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Los Angeles, CA

My name is Pearse Fee and I established Yesteryear Essentials in the fall of 2011. I had been studying antiques for many years and during a flight from Portland to LMy name is Pearse Fee and I established Yesteryear Essentials in the fall of 2011. I had been studying antiques for many years and during a flight from Portland to Los Angeles the concept of Yesteryear Essentials was born. Within 6 months this concept became a reality proving that you can make your life-long passion a career. Originally from Fermanagh in Northern Ireland, my wife and I moved to California in 2006. Growing up in an early Victorian house, it became apparent to me how durable and style resilient antiques were. Listening to the old, eclectic characters in my small village talking about the past and fueled with an interest in history, I realized the practical, interesting and aesthetic value of antiques from a very young age. This in turn led to a strong interest in collectibles and, over time, a deep passion for both. It is without doubt in my DNA to appreciate anything of quality and I have always wanted to find out the story behind each and every discovered treasure. I love searching out “new” old things and the specific purpose for which they were made – and made with a passion not necessarily for fashion! At Yesteryear Essentials the varied and eclectic sections of antiques and collectibles offer an insight into where my sentiments lie - from the infinite sadness of the trenches to the subsequent hedonism of the 1920s. I love the contrast of the over-intricate Victorian decadence to the sparseness and practicality of mid-century life. Every style tells a story of the people and the time it reflects. We should all invite a piece of that history into our lives - you can make someone else’s item part of your life too! I sell antiques and collectibles on-line (see section entitled "Shop") and also at the Long Beach Flea Market. I spend a lot of my time shopping for collectors or buying collections from individuals or estate sales. I am always friendly, fair and honest and love to hear from people interested in antiques and collectibles. (Read more)


wooden early Pegasus double sided  - Signsin Signs