1904 - 1997. Swedish ceramic designer, first trained as an architect. Bing & Gröndahl Porcelain, Copenhagen - Denmark, 1925-28. Pottery Saxbo, 1928-31. The artistic director of Rörstrand, Lidköping - Sweden, 1931-55. 1952 - 1956 contracted for Strömbergshyttans glassworks - Sweden. 1955-56 Artistic Director of the glassworks. 1957 - ca 1975 consulting freelance for Strömbergshyttan (1957-66 probably not engaged at all, models atributed to Nylund these years drawed eralier). From the early 1960s, designers Nymölle Ceramic Factory in Lyngby. While freelancing for Upsala-Ekeby and Rörstrand. You can read about Gunnar Nylund as glass designer here: http://glasbloggen.blogspot.se/2013/06/gb-17-gunnar-nylund-ofortjant-anonym.html Use google translate http://translate.google.se/#sv/en/ to get the text to your own language.