rockstar1998 » collections




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graduated med school... my whole collection is inherited...


  1. how much would this go for at an auction...?
  2. oh...all of them have this color...i think this is one of the clearest photos i could take from my collection (i am terrible with a camera...also my camera is old...)
  3. ok..let's set up a date...5 september sounds right...? i live in a different time zone from would be the best time for me to post them...? i'm 2 hours + from London time(12 in london...
  4. anyone..?
  5. oh...scott..can you give me your email...?i got a few things i want to show you...seems you know photos very good...
  6. well...i got 1 in my home...but it's factory made...logo and everything...(it's tempered doesn't break)...that does look a bit amateur made...or unsold piece cause of production defect?...i...
  7. it's for display...(brass oxidates...and it's deadly for humans)
  8. not a hat..:)) it's for cakes...*when you make a birthday cake or something like need to make the first it's liquid...right...?you poor that in the mold and after you bake it......
  9. look at the's either chinese or japanese...
  10. that is for ice cream (it's you usual ice cream spoon)....also used for pudding or jelly...but not too often...
  11. don't know the age of those...but i do know that in Turkey you can buy a lot of those...tons of them...for 3-5 dollars max
  12. CHINESE...
  13. bump...
  14. bump...
  15. bump...
  16. bump...
  17. the hinges look post 1930...changed during time maybe...?
  18. it's made in a mold...many european factories made items like that...(birds animals imagination characters...etc)
  19. either that...(it's the most plausible...since in those times they were expensive...and you couldn't get just the frame/carying would buy the whole thing or reuse parts)...or it's fake...but...
  20. it is a napkin holder...but for the "old" times you would get your napkins folded at the table...but at the end of the table this would sit with napkins in it...but not to be used...just ...
  21. no PIPI...dude...that's a bad way to go...:(... now the question is why did someone do this to it...? ...the material of the poor little guy is composite stone
  22. not painted but applied...
  23. it's simple...once the whole thing was husqvarna...the actual sewing machine broke...but the frame mounted another sewing machine on the old frame...
  24. visit ...huge site on silver...if you don't find anything on the site...i doubt that...they got a forum with nice people that will help you
  25. don't know if it's chinese or japanese...
  26. time and date...same as medal...1930 criteria of getting it...well you did good or you got hurt...
  27. any help is appreciated...
  28. ..not 1800's try 1900's...
  29. what you got there is a tenderizer.... usually used for dough... can be used for light meat too...(fish ,chicken...the normal tenderizer would break all the fibers and they would come appart)
  30. See more


posted 1 year ago
