smejias » collections



talent oregon

Welcome to my Heirlooms Family Estate Showcase here on Collectors Weekly. Hope you enjoy my show n tell. I wanted to thank all the fans who have shown my treasures lWelcome to my Heirlooms Family Estate Showcase here on Collectors Weekly. Hope you enjoy my show n tell. I wanted to thank all the fans who have shown my treasures love on Collectors Weekly. Mom and Grandma are and were avid collectors guess I inherited their taste and love for collecting antiques and vintage decor. Yes I have a personal website, and no this account with collectors weekly is not used to promote my website, if I feel you are harassing me I will indefinately delete your comments and or report them to the website administrator. Rest assured I am not here to endorse any drama what so ever. I am entitled to my respect just like anybody else. Unfortunately some people use the internet and whatever other resources to stalk and harass people and I am no exception to being a victim of such circumstances. (Read more)


posted 4 years ago
posted 7 years ago
