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posts (167)

Steam Power MAMOD Vintage Roadster SA1 Steamer Model Car - Model Carsin Model Cars
FIVE DOLLAR EGGGS and a side order of HOLLEY Carburetor - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
ARE YOU READY! by ARS Atlanta Rythym Section LIVE Double Album  - Electronicsin Electronics
1966 and 1967 OLDS 442 with 4 Speed Transmission Special Air Cleaner - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Vintage Wide Back Tires and Skinny Front Runners 1979 Vintage KEYSTONE KLASSIC Wheels MACH SIXTY / SEVENTY - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1955 BUICK Special 2 Door Street Rod  with 454 CHEVY and a 4 SPEED - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1957 CHEVY BIG BLOCK 4 SPEED 1960's HOT ROD - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1956 T BIRD CARBURETOR HOLLEY 4 Barrel FORD 56 with V8 312 Cleaned with LAZER LIGHT  - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Neighbor Kids Hot Rod 1964 CHEVELLE with GIANT MOTOR - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
VALVOLINE Metal Punch Top Cans 6 Can Pyramid  - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
JILL and 1970 STINGRAY - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1970 Corvette Maiden Voyage  - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Corvette Wheels Restored and New Tires 
ELMER FORD the 1997 F150 4x4 FORD Truck - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1970 Corvette Convertible  - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1986 K5 BIG CHEVY BLAZER Sally's Truck - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
500 cans of beer on the wall  ROGER'S  BUSCH BEER BONANZA - Bottlesin Bottles
Doll Buggy Baby Carriage Pram Hello Dolly - Dollsin Dolls
1940 Johnson Outboard Boat Motor - Fishingin Fishing
BLACK CAT Antique Chalkware or possibly concrete Black Colored Man Boy Statue - Figurinesin Figurines
POTpourri from small town minnesota belle plaine HOME OF the 2 Story Outhouse AND BLAKELY Home of the torn down bridge - Advertisingin Advertising
1966 Chevrolet 66 Impala Steering Wheel - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Smugglers Blues  - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Rock Around The Clock Sparky - Advertisingin Advertising
Toro Toro TORONADO - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1936 Chevrolet Coupe # 36 CHEVY - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Magnum 500 Wheels Chrome Spoked Styled Wheels  Muscle Car SS Chevy Shelby Mustang 442 Olds - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
The number 31  TOTEM POLE o' PLATES - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Any Information on this??  WINTER SCENE in FANCY ORNATE FRAME and ILLUMINATION Clouds look like skulls   - Fine Artin Fine Art
PHOEBUS COOK STOVE  - Kitchenin Kitchen
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE - Bottlesin Bottles
SAINT PAUL SAINTS PROMO  Sit on MLB Baseball Commisioners Face  BILL MURRAY Team owner prank 2002 - Baseballin Baseball
Behind the barn    Don't eat that yeller snow - Petrolianain Petroliana
BETHLEHEM STEEL CORP Wood Crate SEATTLE PLANT HC SPIKES 200 LBS - Railroadianain Railroadiana
HORSE BRAND THUNDER BOMB Fire Cracker Labels - Advertisingin Advertising
MIKE CAMPBELL and THE dirty knobs - Music Memorabiliain Music Memorabilia
MERRY CHRISTMAS  HO  HO  HO   Funny Money   SANTA CLAUS US Dollar Bill Y'ALL - US Coinsin US Coins
IGOR is COOL - Animalsin Animals
Hatchets Man - Sporting Goodsin Sporting Goods
HHC AMERICAL VIETNAM BAYONET LETTER OPENER   - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
1969 Chevrolet Corvette 427 Covers - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1969 HURST OLDS COVERS - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
SWEDISH POT - Art Decoin Art Deco
MASTERCRAFTERS CLOCK and RADIO CO.   24 Hour MODEL 191 - Clocksin Clocks
AMERICAN Quality Snuff Since 1782   TIN - Advertisingin Advertising
1 /32 Gate Willys Army JEEP Gateway Global TOY - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
2 BIT FLINT EDGE AXE B4 and AFTER - Folk Artin Folk Art
HAFT now Installed   B4 and AFTER PICTURES Old Pick Axe Rehab  Shot Peen Clean and the HIGH TEMP Ceramic Finish - Railroadianain Railroadiana
B4 and AFTER Mattock Chopper AXE ADZ Pulaski Fire Tool  Rehab   - Firefightingin Firefighting
HEAVY small  Sears Craftsman Table Saw CAST IRON Boat Anchor - Accessoriesin Accessories
Red Wing Hunter WING ARCHERY Recurve Bow - Sporting Goodsin Sporting Goods
Bejewelled Handsaw  - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
Gold Olds 442 - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
The Thomas Flyer 1909  - Brewerianain Breweriana
1950's HAMMS Opener for both canz and bottlez - Brewerianain Breweriana
Hamms Church Keys  - Brewerianain Breweriana
The Gnomes Have Taken The High Ground - Folk Artin Folk Art
HAMMS BEER HAMMZ  recent logo box change to "THROW BACK" Case I Love it.  Before and After pictures inside  - Advertisingin Advertising
N. S. MEYER New York Medals  PISTOL and GRENADE - Fine Jewelryin Fine Jewelry
COMBAT BOOTS - Mens Clothingin Mens Clothing
Sorel Boots  made in CANADA for winter Insulated removable liners  - Mens Clothingin Mens Clothing
Duck Afoot - Folk Artin Folk Art
1962 - 1964 Coleman Compact Stove - Kitchenin Kitchen
TIRE CHAINS - Petrolianain Petroliana
Polaroid 800 Camera Land - Brewerianain Breweriana
CYCLONE   MODEL M - Petrolianain Petroliana
Newer  COLEMAN Lantern Possibly 1968 with accessories and "safe" on the bottom  LOOKS LIKE NEW never used - Lampsin Lamps
EARLY  Coleman Lantern QUICK - LITE  LQ   - Lampsin Lamps
66 Tripower power W30 W 30 Three 2 BBL Carbs This was optional on a 1966 OLDS 442  - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Wolfs Head Motor Oil Sign From Behind The Barn - Advertisingin Advertising
MADAM X - Recordsin Records
Happy 4 JULY Hot Dogs Apple Pie and Base Ball   BAD NEWS BEARS  - Baseballin Baseball
German WWII Canteen with wool carrying case 42 ZP StZ  Zieh , Press U Stanzwerk , Schwartz and Co   - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Springfield M1 Garand  - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
1943 dated Bayonet US - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Helmet of unknown origin?   Came with the ROCK-OLA - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
ROCK-OLA  M1 Carbine 30 Caliber   - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Dead Red Wine EVIL DEAD Cabernet - Bottlesin Bottles
BLOOD RED Wine Evil Dead Zombies red blend - Bottlesin Bottles
BEER CAN whoa down BOCK   and BIG CAT MALT LIQUOR - Brewerianain Breweriana
Street signs   - Signsin Signs
Nutting Cart hot rod coffee table - Furniturein Furniture
Starry Starry NIGHT  - Animalsin Animals
Got WEED - Animalsin Animals
& there was number 7 Smith Wesson - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
32 Special  Winchester Model 1894 - Sporting Goodsin Sporting Goods
Valvoline  MULTI  10W 20W 40  carton - Petrolianain Petroliana
Hello my name is GEORGE - Animalsin Animals
YUKON GOLD RUSH Railroad Souvenir Bookends SKAGWAY ALASKA  Signed by JD TRUE  - Railroadianain Railroadiana
February RED Wine Ship Came In Today  ..  No PORT , Cabernet  - Bottlesin Bottles
Ben Wade Handmade Ambassador Deluxe  Denmark   Pipe sherlock holmes - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
HI and LOIS beam  Switch O Rama - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Grab your 8 ball and switch into glide - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Part number or Price  Vincent Ignition - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Genuine NIEHOFF - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
1930's Piston Ring Kits  RING RING HELLO CENTRAL GO GAMBLES - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
SPARK   TIGER  SPARK     - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
knife   fork     knife       - Kitchenin Kitchen
Skotch Kooler II   with  Skotch Ice times 4 cans Sam - Kitchenin Kitchen
Geronimo The Gnome 38 Special Delivery - Toysin Toys
RED Wine bottles  Random scramble  - Bottlesin Bottles
THE ARCHIVIST Red Red Wine 2014 - Bottlesin Bottles
Target Mark II RUGER - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Ruger Single Six - Military and Wartimein Military and Wart…
Ohio Blue-Tip Matches Strike Anywhere - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
HERESY - Electronicsin Electronics
Skotch Kooler De Luxe       Happy New Year Gift in the mail today - Kitchenin Kitchen
Leg Lamp  Bat Man  - Lampsin Lamps
Southern Grind Bad Monkey Tanto Custom Knife        ZAC Brown's Company - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
JONES Cable driven TACH early MOROSO gasser race car tachometer - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Auto Meter Tachometer - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Blue Line SUN SUPER TACH   - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Big Spoon  saved from recycle psycho  - Silverin Silver
I guess it is a "Fish Knife"        What is this?   another rescue from recycling bin at my parents SILVER Plate?? - Silverin Silver
Silver plated GIZMO what is it Serving Vessel rescued from my parents recycling bin PAIRPOINT - Silverin Silver
Olds Valve Covers These Babies are CHROMED OLDSMOBILE - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
VALVOLINE HD 30 Motor EARL - Petrolianain Petroliana
AC/DC SALUTE - Recordsin Records
AC/DC ROCKS  T Shirts   - Mens Clothingin Mens Clothing
WO KANSAS 31  TRUCK - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Wisconsin 31 31 B Plate - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Plate number 3 1 31   3 31 portion - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
31 Flavors 31  Day Glow Experimental Montana plate 31 31  never issued EXP goods - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
NOS Fresh VHS Tape ... Factory Wrap - Electronicsin Electronics
Cover UP  12 bolt chevy cover on a pos olds axle   - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
THE WHO   - Recordsin Records
Scamp Wagon - Toysin Toys
Skull found out west by Norman on a horse back trail ride - Animalsin Animals
Watch with Compass  USMC inscription  from Vietnam Veteran friends estate  gift from his family for helping them out - Wristwatchesin Wristwatches
Anthrax  Among the living - Recordsin Records
Judas Priest    British Steel - Recordsin Records
Folsom Prison Blues - Recordsin Records
Beer Bottle Opener Pretzel Hauenstein Puzzle cold beer - Brewerianain Breweriana
C   Hauenstein's personal beer mug.  His name is engraved in the glass - Brewerianain Breweriana
Tankard from Harvard part of Hauentein beer family collection - Brewerianain Breweriana
Hell Bent for Leather LP - Recordsin Records
JUDAS PRIEST  Screaming 4 Vengeance LP     - Recordsin Records
Road KIT  great 4 hauling a few LP albums around  - Bagsin Bags
MY CAR CUTLASS - Classic Carsin Classic Cars
Agent Orange Crush Bottles  - Advertisingin Advertising
The Coca Cola Cooler made by Glascock in 1931 RARE Countertop Model - Coca-Colain Coca-Cola
Small bracelet at least 2 small for me LoL  on one end on the inside it is marked Nickel Silver - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Snow on the red bird. Cardinal came in for the winter today. Snowy Birdy is melting - Folk Artin Folk Art
Snow  removal machine 1970's ARIENS 7 Horse Power  - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
Vintage  Swizzle sticks  stir stick Vegas Tahoe  - Advertisingin Advertising
Square Shooter Glass  at least that we used it for. Rows / lines of bubbles in the glass IT IS thick and heavy for the size - Art Glassin Art Glass
Fifteen Cent Coin   Square with Round corners - World Coinsin World Coins
Climax Thick Tobacco box - Tobaccianain Tobacciana
Hendrick's knife maker "masterpiece"  Custom purchased eary 1970's New Ulm MN - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
REDNECK  ICE FISH CHISEL - Fishingin Fishing
Blue vase full of  M16  BBQ Cigarette Cigar Lighters - Kitchenin Kitchen
Chicken Cock Bourbon Whiskey Decanter  Glass Whisky back bar BAR BACK BABY JUG Enamel on pinched  "bottle" - Bottlesin Bottles
Another Ghurka --->  I was told from military item?    Water buffalo horn handle - Tools and Hardwarein Tools and Hardware
BUTTER BOY  for cob on the corn  another "gift" from the dice game after christmas party - Kitchenin Kitchen
GOLD Marantz Amplifier and the Loud Speakers - Electronicsin Electronics
The Gift that keeps on getting given - Christmasin Christmas
Dynaco HI FI AMP and Tuner - Electronicsin Electronics
Locally made hand pounded bas relief fishing decoy made of copper - Fishingin Fishing
Hand carved of wood and painted by a master craftsman - Animalsin Animals
The little shelf in the corner - Furniturein Furniture