Why Hadn't I Heard About Typewriter Tins?

December 15th, 2010

This morning, our pals at BoingBoing alerted us to the beauty of typewriter ribbon tins, which were highlighted by a site devoted to packaging design called The Dieline.

Up to now, I thought only antique typewriters such as Martin Howard’s gorgeous 1886 Crandall could be considered works of art, but after browsing the source of the BoingBoing post, a set of 36 images at uppercaseyyc’s Typewriter Ribbon Tin Collection on Flickr, I think I may have found a new thing to collect!

3 comments so far

  1. Hoby Van deusen Says:

    Typewriter Ribbon Tins are a wonderful collectible: many are very inexpensive like the ones shown here as they are quite common; they are small & displayable; they have many intriguing designs that cover a 100 year period in our history & they were made in great quantities so they are readily available. Whats not to like??

  2. Merle Snyder Says:

    Do you know of an available “red gazelle” tin?

  3. Hoby Van Deusen Says:

    A red Gazelle tin is very, very rare. I will be selling it in the future. Hoby Van Deusen, Lakeville, CT

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