Vintage Military and War Postcards

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Show and Tellers Reunite Japanese Family With Their World War II Letter

At their best, Show & Tell posts reveal "the stories behind the stuff." But two Show & Tellers, Savoychina1 and VikingFan82, have proven that sometimes Show & Tell can do much, much more. In their case, they made connections between people separated by language, the world's biggest ocean, and more than half a century. I won't retell the whole tale since Savoychina1 has done such a fine job here. Long story short, Savoychina1 had a box of military photographs, postcards, and letters,...

Walker Evans, Preeminent Photographer and Passionate Postcard Collector

In 1994, I had the great pleasure of acquiring the complete archive of Walker Evans for the Metropolitan Museum. The archive is quite vast, including 30,000 black-and-white negatives and about 10,000 color transparencies. It includes collections of his business and personal correspondence, both letters he sent as well as those he received. It also includes his library and his collections. He had works of art by other artists, and a lot of vernacular material, including metal and wood...

When Postcards Were the Social Network

I worked for 35 years as a reference librarian with the Madison Public Library and I just got interested in Madison’s history through my reference work. My husband and I collect antiques of various sorts, and as we would go to antique stores or antique shows in malls, I began looking through boxes of old postcards. I just started buying Madison postcards to learn about Madison history. I’m not a Madison native. I didn’t move to Madison until 1964, but I say I’ve adopted Madison as my...

Attending the Theatre, Via Postcards

Andreas Praefcke (Ravensburg, Germany) collects postcards of old and new theatre buildings worldwide. His complete collection can be seen on his website Carthalia. I spoke to him recently about how he got interested in this unique and interesting postcard collecting theme, how he finds cards, and what some of his favorites are. : How did you become interested in collecting postcards featuring Theater buildings? : Probably my greatest passion is going to the opera wherever and...