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WW2 101st Airborne Company C 506th PIR

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (25 items)

    Here is a named WW2 101st Airborne C company 506th PIR dress uniform that I've had in my collection for awhile, it is named to C companies commander, he recieved the Silver Star for action during Operation Market Garden in Holland for his defense of the regimental CP, awarded 4 Purple Hearts, and made all the jumps with the 506th from D-Day on. I can't even imagine what this man went thru during this battle or when he was in Bastogne, it's really an honor for me to have this in my collection. Enjoy the pics.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      GREAT uniform! Love that WW2 Screaming Eagle patch.

      Did you get it through the vet or family?

    2. Fritziii, 12 years ago
      Thanks Scott, I acquired it indirectly from the vets family thru a friend who purchased it from them here locally, The Lt was born and raised in my area and lived here most of his life so it makes it even better for me that I am able to preserve a piece of local history as well.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Great job with it.

      Anything else in the grouping-- I am waiting on his jump uniform!

    4. Fritziii, 12 years ago
      I do have his medals, less the silver star but I do have a reissue certificate for it detailing what he did to earn it, really amazing what he did to turn the tide on the engagement around the regiments CP, also with the group is several books from an author on the 101 named to him plus some 506 reunion artwork made by one of the guys from C company.
    5. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      I'd love to see the other items, if you have the time and inclination to post them on here!

    6. hulalady56 hulalady56, 12 years ago
      Absolutly beautiful, and what I history...More pic please......
    7. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 12 years ago
      "One oh One.. Screamin' Eagles"

      Airborne Infantry!
    8. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Still around today-- Air Assault!

    9. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 12 years ago
      Scott, that is weird isn't it?! Air Assault, that it is. The 101st Airborne indeed isn't actually an Airborne unit. My beloved 82nd remains the only true Airborne unit in the Army!
    10. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      The 101st has an interesting configuration-- TWO aviation BDEs vs. only one in the 82nd.

      For the infantry the Air Assault and Airborne configuration is similar.


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