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American Patronage

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    Howdy Folks, I am from Texas and have a very interesting item to share(at least to me it is).I found an old WWII foot locker in an abandoned house and decided to look inside and I am glad I did.Once I opened it I noticed some very interesting what looked like night club posters but what I found was alot of old music books and different types of sheet music.The best I found on most is it all dates back to around the late 1920's to the early 1970's,mostly in the 30's and 40's.The most interesting to me is the item I have posted,this is a song book that was printed by the Government printing office .This book measures 4" wide by 5" tall and has about 30 0r 40 songs in it.After alot of research on my part I discovered that this is a first edition print,that was printed in 1917.It was meant for our soldiers to carry with them back in WWI when they were deployed over seas to France and other places to fight.It has only two pictures,one in the front of U.S Army soldiers and the rear is U.S.Navy men.Inside the cover it has a page where the serviceman could write in his name,company he was in,regigment he served with and his duty station.It was issued by the Commission on training camp activities of the army and navy departments.It says it sold for .25cents to civilians and .15cents to servicemen.I hope you enjoy my find as much as I have as well how much I enjoy sharing it with you.And let this help to remember our young men and women overseas today.God Bless America and all who dwell in side her shores.

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