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Kaiser mare and foal.

In Pottery > Show & Tell and Animals > Horses > Show & Tell.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (304 items)

    My grandmother gave me these horses when I was about 8. I collected breyer horses at the time and I hate to say this but I remember being ungrateful and rude about the gift. I have made it known to my grandmother just how much I love the gift and her for all that she has done for me. The figures are in perfect condition which is amazing considering I have two boys that tear up the house like a tornado.

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    1. cis2you cis2you, 14 years ago
      What is the name on the base? I cannot make it out. Thanks
    2. cis2you cis2you, 14 years ago
      Forget my question- I found the name: C. Bochmann, artist, with the Kaiser co. in West Germany. Beautiful piece.
    3. vintagemad vintagemad, 14 years ago
      Thank you! Not that I would ever sell it but do you know of a value? Happy hunting!
    4. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      I have seen other similar Kaiser horse figurines go from $150-300.
    5. vintagemad vintagemad, 14 years ago
      Thanks!Happy hunting!
    6. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      Youre welcome!
    7. joel1414 joel1414, 14 years ago
      Reminds me of an old Rolling Stones song . . . Wild Horses !
    8. vintagemad vintagemad, 14 years ago that songs in my head! LOL.
    9. Yuko Yuko, 13 years ago
      This is a very beautiful piece. Mare and foal are very well made.
      You have many really beautiful jewelry in your colecciones.Gracias by making them known.

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