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Art Nouveau vase, unknown designer for Johann von Schwarz/Norica. Mount by Hans Peter for Juventa. Model 217

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_ ART NOUVEAU22 of 56Two Art-Nouveau vases by Joseph L'Herminè Declercq, ca. 1900Art Nouveau vase, unknown designer for Johann von Schwarz/Norica
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (584 items)

    At last I was able to identufy this vase as a Johann von Schwarz/Norica (Nüremberg, Germany), Also the designer of the mount has been identified as Hans Peter, and apparently was made by Juventa and has model number 217.

    Old text:

    This is one of the few -or maybe not so few- unidentifyied pieces in Carlos's collection, so I am calling for some help here, specially from those who like and collect Art Nouveau stuff.

    Important: we've got two different vases that seem to come from the same factory, so I am making paralell posts on them.

    This one's a very simply shaped vase -earthenware, isn't it?-. It has a matte finishing and is mounted on pewter, and the mounting shows a very beautiful floral design. One of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen.

    It was bought many years ago at a pretty fine shop in Rome, and apparently they couldn't tell about its origin. The lady pointed out that it could be Belgian, although I guess it could come from any other country.

    The base is fully marked but, unfortunately, unsigned. I do believe there is no visible mark on the mounting either... in any case I won't be able to check it out until we return to “the other house”.

    So, what we've got here are two vases with:
    a) very different shapes
    b) very different mountings in different materials as well as styles
    c) the very same decoration, although one has a glossy surface and the other's got a matte one.

    We do believe the the pottery work comes from the same potter, and probably the mountings would come from different workshops (just guessing here).

    By the way, on picture No.4 I've made a collage with our two vases -on top. You can see another post on this second vase- and two other models from apparently the same potter and very different mountings -at the bottom... You can see that basically they are all the same but sooo diferent from each other!!!

    Anyone familiar with this? I hope it means anything to somebody here at CW.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Czech and agh for your loves!!!
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      I didn't know you had 2 of these stunners!!!! very very beautiful!!
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      hahaha, I figured out you had only seen one :)
    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      LOL!!! yes !!
    5. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks for loving it Sean, Agh, Racer, Famatta, Violet and Hunter!!!
    6. ozmarty ozmarty, 11 years ago
      Love them hope some one comes up with the makers name ..
      I would have signed them if I'd made them so leads me to believe that it was a large pottery (commercial pottery ) that made them not giving the potter credit.. just an opinion .
      this is a good looking site may or may not be helpfull....
    7. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Your very welcome austro!!!!!
    8. cogito cogito, 11 years ago
      My gut still says German for these pieces.
    9. fledermaus fledermaus, 11 years ago
      Hello Austrhungaro,
      Thank you for letting me know about these vases. They are awesome! They may be Otto Schultz? He also collaborated with Otto Eckmann. Are you selling them?
    10. fledermaus fledermaus, 11 years ago
      We attended a new show at the Met Museum with amazing French Art Nouveau vases from the Ellison collection. The show is called "Making Pottery Art" You can find images online from the show or I can email some I took , if you like. What a show!
      Nice to hear from you.
      Have a beautiful day.
    11. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks or loving it Mike, GTMOOM, antiquerose, Michelle, DrFluffy, fledermaus, cogito, valentino and vet!!!

      Thanks ozmarty, cogito and fldermaus for your comments and inputs too.
      I think the German option could be a good one... looking at pic 4, the two models at the bottom look so absolutely German!

      As I commented on the other post, I think Eckmann/Schultz signed most of their work, as did the French Eugene Baudin, who made some work ressembling this one... so I think these vases were not made by any of them.

      I sort of agree with marty about the big commercial pottery...

      I wish we could identify these two beauties!
    12. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks for loving it NJL, Smiata and Gluechip!
    13. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      I don't know how the heck I missed these! Sleeping on the job. Seeing both posts has now officially confused me as these are so much more traditional.
    14. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Oh and I agree with Oz
    15. Aimathena Aimathena, 11 years ago
      From the thumbnail it looks like it has Angel wings. Very beautiful.
    16. DANartnouveau, 10 years ago
      The pottery looks to be German, all by Johan von Schwarz of Nuremberg.
      The 2 bottom vases are pictured in the book about one of their main designers, Carl Sigmund Luber.
      Different factories made the mountings. The one with the pewter flowers was made and sold by the factory of Hans Peter in Eßlingen, who marked their pewter as juventa prima metal. A wonderful piece!
    17. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Missed this the first time around...glad I didn't miss it this time! Amazing austro!
    18. robin56 robin56, 10 years ago

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