Posted 11 years ago
(760 items)
This is the last of the Fountains cards from the Miller Collection of 1906. It's another of the photographic view cards that were a record of their world tour. Septimus and Clara bought multiple of each spot of interest to them. This is by yet another publishing firm: "WR&S".
WR&S Ltd, Edinburgh were publishers of Reliable Series of post cards and related products. William Ritchie & Sons, Ltd. = WR&S . It seems the published from 1902-1928. London, England and Edinburg, Scotland.
A publisher of a great number of view-cards depicting Great Britain and Ireland. Most were issued under the Reliable Series name. Their cards were printed in a variety of techniques but mostly as tinted collotypes.
Some artist signed cards were also produced such as their Waterette series that reproduced watercolors through tricolor printing. They also sold hold to light novelties and photographs, many of which were published in picture books and as real photo postcards. Only their logo or the letters WR&S appear on their cards.
stunning as always beautiful and great history!! :)
These cards have prompted me to look up Fountains Abbey and it was and is an extraordinary place!
This current photo is almost the same as the view on this card so it appears to have survived the last 100 years OK.
I'm sure you are getting to know Septimus and Clara quite well now! Do you have anything on their ocean voyage to the continent? I will wait for that if you have an order of revelation (I'm sure you have!).
Many thanks R4FOUR 'n MANIKIN too!
The voyage over was Sydney, Fiji, Honolulu, Vancouver. I have those cards. The trip back from London is not so clear yet. Ripon is next.
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE!
Many thanks MIKELV!
Hi Kevin, I'm surfing on my phone and for some reason after I pressed 'love it' on this post my phone posted a report as inappropriate. If it went through, I apologize sincerely. =)
Hi Tom.
I'm sure the team will fix that up.
Me, inappropriate?
I have decided to watermark everything now Leah.
I might be silly but ....
Many thanks JARROD!
Many thanks INKY!
Many thanks CHARLIE!
Many thanks PETEY!
Many thanks ANTIQUES IN NJ too!
Many thanks NUTSABOTAS!
My gran and grandad used to take us to all these old places in the sixties. Then my parents did occasionally when they eventually could afford a car. We swam in the freezing river by there, age 10.
Thanks for your comments CHARGREAVES. I can imagine the temperature of the river there.
Have a wonderful holiday Vet
- Jenni
Many thanks THOMAS & JENNI and Season’s Greetings to you and yours !!! !!! !!!
Many thanks NEWFLD & THOMAS !.!.!.!