Posted 11 years ago
(1232 items)
This came from my favorite GW in the Cleveland area. Pickings have been slim lately but this piece must have been put out over night because it wasn't there yesterday. A beautiful little 5" ginger jar with a bird and floral motif on a yellow background or "Famille Jaune". The lid is missing as are most with these jars. It may have been wood or porcelain matched to the jar. I don't think it will effect the value because it's probably contemporary. It isn't marked but there is a little blue "tick" mark on the bottom. Just another nice little piece for my Asian collection. -Mike-
"Famille Jaune"
Courtesy of
"Famille Jaune" meaning the "yellow family". Is a variant of the "Famille Verte"or "green family" enamel palette in which the ground is covered with yellow enamel. Most extant examples are fakes, with the yellow enamel added on real Kangxi pieces in the early 20th century.
Your piece was probably made in 20c with my two cents. Foremost, the black enamel is rare to be found in Qing dynasty. Moreover, the body looks like mold cast. If you could find a sunken ring on the inside bottom, it would confirm my view.
Hi shrine....yes the black is a warning sign that's why I went with contemporary. The inside has the rings and grooves of being thrown though. There's a large area inside that the glaze missed on the side and it's finely grooved so I don't think it was molded. The bottom is actually smooth with a little raised bump of white glaze. It's like the glaze was swirled around inside but missed a spot on the side and pooled in the bottom. -Mike-
sounds like it could be a decent made jar paying tribute to Qing style design.
my friend just shared this charger with me today. It's bought in Germany and marked as a Japanese ceramic.
Wow shrine... that looks very close in design to this jar. The bird and flowers are quite similar. Beautiful !
i got no clue at all strange stuff. no traffic light under border, no decapitated ruyi head upper border, kangxi steal of pierced rock accompagnied with a bird of paradise
why don,t we get an reptatative auspicious, but a pairs wise coins and ribbon
imo shine,s comparisom , the yellow enameling is to thin , its a sort of camilia yellow
i trust the enaneling of the noir part , well there is no accounting for taste , and i suck in japanese , but i think it is better than it seems a sort of chinoserie , maybe something like 1930
i trust the noir part and i trust the yellow part , well who am i, we can,t rule out a japanese imitatation of chinese ware , but the comparison of shrine remains wrong
correction we don,t we got an repetative auspicous symbols , but a pairs coisns an ribbons design or am i mistaken , could be ?