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Greek Key Leaded Glass Shade

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Tiffany Style Lamps140 of 200Great leaded dome shadeCould this be a Tiffany Studios Poppy Table Lamp or reproduction
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (32 items)

    This leaded glass shade is 18.5" wide and 7" tall. I found it in a shop for $80 and show it on this Handel base. I found a similar one that sold for $1700 on a base. It is similar to Bigelow and Kennard's Greek Key.

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    1. walter001, 10 years ago
      Hi there, I have bought an identical shade with what I believe to be its original base, it is a very beautiful lamp - the base has the letters A S A S A etched underneath but I haven't been able to identify the maker yet... it is a beautiful object and I am very fond of it I would be so interested to identify the manufacturer... Walter
    2. walter001, 10 years ago
      Hi there, I think I might have discovered where the shade is from! The great grandson of the person who gave the lamp to the antique dealer who sold it to me told me his great grandfather collected many of these lamps and had notes about their provenance - in his grandfather's note the AS mark on the base of the lamp stands for Albert Sechrist Manufacturing Company, Colorado. The base is absolutely authentic to the shade (they both carry the same greek key motif and match beautifully) so this could well be the manufacturer of the lamp. I have seen their old catalogues online and some of the models are indeed similar in terms of design structure of the leaded parts. I hope this has been helpful if anyone can shed any more light on this I will be really grateful. Walter
    3. JohannB JohannB, 10 years ago
      Thanks Walter, I forgot about Sechrist, it makes so much sense now.

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