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May have a rare Hot Wheel Item, 1970 Vintage Hot Wheel Red Baron Stamped

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (7 items)

    This is what I found about this Red Baron Hot Wheel. It says on the bottom: Stamped Hot Wheels Vintage, Red Baron, Mattel Inc 1969, and China. This is what I have found researching this Hot Wheel.

    1970 Red Baron with White Interior. With less than 10 known to exist, this is a truly rare piece. Value: $3,000+ loose.

    Unfortunately, Mattel only produced this Hot Wheels car as a prototype and never actually released it to the public. So, only ten of them exist in the world today. But, it does have a pretty interesting back-story. It was inspired by the Red Baron World War I plane and featured a German helmet in place of a roof, a pair of machine guns, and a white plastic interior. Had it hit stores, it would be much, much higher on this list than it is today. These are also prototypes with a black base and no decal on the helmet.

    Other websites I've read say the real original were made in Hong Kong, Is that true? Any information on this Red Baron will be helpful.
    Thank you for your time,

    Mystery Solved
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    1. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Hopefully it is original and not a reissue. This is a job for a hotwheels expert.
    2. AzTom AzTom, 11 years ago
      I'm not a HW expert but have been around a few.
      That one would be from the more recent Vintage Collection. The original 69 cars would have black interior, Maltese cross on the side of helmet and marked Hong Kong. They would not have the HW Vintage markings.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      There is a 1969/70 white interior version that is very valuable.
      The China thing may not be so good. Normally they would say Hong Kong on the bottom.
    4. Bigsarge Bigsarge, 11 years ago
      I have 3 issues, 1. it was made in china, 2. the dull point on the helmet, 3. the word vintage. Looking at my book I see several versions. This I am afraid is a Reproduction.
      The word vintage gives that away. the original one had a point on top of the helmet it was filed down because i guess kids were sticking themselves with it and last the original was made in Hong Kong.
    5. Bigsarge Bigsarge, 11 years ago
      That is correct Riply206. I went to dig mine up and it is the same as this one. The red line is larger than the originals. everything stated in these post shows this Red Baron to be a repo. He is correct about the white original they were not issued and are Rare if ever found, but the book does not say how many were made.
    6. toshmonster toshmonster, 11 years ago
      Thank you everyone for your information and I do appreciate it.
    7. kushboyyy97, 10 years ago
      I have one the same one I the video I can post pictures up too I want to sell it
    8. kushboyyy97, 10 years ago
      I have the same hot wheel that you have in the photo and looking for a buyer for my hot wheel please need help must sell fast
    9. kushboyyy97, 10 years ago
      How do I price the car
    10. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      As stated above this is from a newer release and is not rare at all. You can find them on ebay NIP for under $5.00.
    11. hotwheelsmaster1000, 10 years ago
      Hey I have one in mid condition!!!!!!!!
    12. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Cool story toshmonster!!
      When i aas a youngster my brother used to have a similar one with the German helmet but it wasnt the red baron , im sure it was a black helmet with large chrome exhaust pipes coming out !! Dont remember it being hotwheels may have been matchbox but very similar :-)
    13. uv544633, 10 years ago
      I have the Red Baron White Interior car but somebody painted it black. I could tell because it says Hong Kong on the bottom.
    14. beachbomb beachbomb, 9 years ago
      It's a reproduction, it has the "Vintage" stamp on the bottom. Original redline HW's do not have the "vintage" on the bottom, Mattel did a "Vintage" series a few years back. Sorry, but not a real vintage HW.
    15. Mojoflash, 9 years ago
      While at a mates tonight drinking. I looked in an ashtray full of junk with some cars sitting in it and this one car took my interest and said to him to remind me to look it up as it had 1969 on it and thought being old it may be worth something. anyway. from what i have have read here and elsewhere, i think it may be an original. He was given it about 15 yrs or so ago with a box of cars from his aunt that his kids used to play with, anyway, would like some opinions on its authenticity as to me it ticks all the boxes of an original and any info would be good
    16. matucker1, 9 years ago
      I have a 1969 HW Red Baron with Black interior and the Maltese cross on both sides of the helmet. It was bought when I was a kid. Excellent condition. What is it worth?
    17. Davidsibert Davidsibert, 6 years ago
      I have a 1969 in perfect shape with white interior I got lucky and found it a flea market
    18. creators, 5 years ago
      i have a 1969 red baron hot wheels with a black interior, but it has a vintage stamp in-graved on the bottom does it have any worth at all?
    19. Broskykids Broskykids, 4 years ago
      I won this car at the arcade. It was with a bunch of old hot wheels...

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