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E. & H.T. Anthony Climax Multiplying Camera, 1880s to ‘90s

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Wood Cameras86 of 283Potrait Camera,  Photrait Co., Cleveland, OhioCamera / Deardorff
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (349 items)

    This is a nice sized 5 x 7 inch view camera that is small enough to take into the field. It’s a multiplying view meaning that it can make several gem sized images on a single ferrotype plate. After the plate is developed, the photographer snips apart the individual pictures.

    The camera is normally sold with a single lens with a shifting plate holder. However some photographers would add 4 or 9 tube sets to increase the number of shots on a plate.

    The wide back design allows a plate holder to move side-to-side and the tall board enables the entire back to rise or fall. The body is made of mahogany with a cherry base.

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    1. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, Jewels and kyratango!
    2. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, aghcollect!
    3. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, blunderbuss2 and vetraio50!
    4. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, Eric!
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      Stunning Rob!!
    6. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, Sean!
    7. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      Your very welcome Rob!!
    8. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks David, Bootson, and f64imager!
    9. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, fortapache!
    10. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, CindB!
    11. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, AnneLanders!
    12. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
    13. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, Michael!
    14. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Thanks, austrohungaro!
    15. rniederman rniederman, 10 years ago
      Long forgotten thanks to Manikin and Trey!
    16. rniederman rniederman, 9 years ago
      Thanks, Camera_turk!
    17. PDayPhoto PDayPhoto, 8 years ago
      Hey. I just found an Anthony Climax Multiplying Camera with film holders (missing lens/lensboard & focus glass) in an antique shop. Couldn't ID it until I found your post, THANKS! Needs some restoration, but debating on DIY or professional. Any idea of the value?
    18. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      Wow-that is awesome!
    19. rniederman rniederman, 8 years ago
      Hi PDayPhoto ... sounds like you have a good find; however, many Anthony view cameras look very similar. It would be helpful if you posted pictures of the camera here on Show & Tell so that I can look it over. - Rob
    20. PDayPhoto PDayPhoto, 8 years ago
      Hey Rob. just posted pix. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks! --Patrick
    21. rniederman rniederman, 8 years ago
    22. rniederman rniederman, 8 years ago
      Thanks, Phonoboy!

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