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410 shot gun

All items234426 of 245851ORIGIONAL GEO.VAN SAAKE  Abstract Art Painting Harper's United States Readers, The First Reader
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (50 items)

    I wonder if anybody could date this for me.All I can find on it is as follows..FIREARMS INTERNATIONAL CORP.WASHINGTON , D.C.20022.This gun breaks down in half.
    Its not real fun shooting unless you just like pain and a big black and blue

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    1. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      That is neat I like it. Iv seen something like this .Want to sell or trade let me know
    2. Hedgie Hedgie, 14 years ago
      I think its a pack gun used for survival. it breaks down for ease of storing and reloading.
    3. gotwire gotwire, 14 years ago
      Here's a site with some info on your shotgun.
    4. cocacolaman62, 14 years ago
      Thanks gotwire,Ill check it out.
    5. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Now that is one Unqiue Looking gun!
    6. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 14 years ago
      Unique! I love Typos!
    7. tereilly, 13 years ago
      You can find out more about this if you search Garcia Bronco. "Garcia" is/were importers of guns, fishing equiptment, etc. They sold this from about 1968-1978. Also came as a .22 LR, or an over/under-.22-.410 combo. I'm guessing that Firearms Int'l started importing or making them a bit later.
    8. tereilly, 13 years ago
      You are correct about this not being a comfortable gun to shoot. Its very light weight and the narrow metal butt(plate) lets even a .410 give a surpising slap on the shoulder.

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