Posted 15 years ago
(8 items)
I really need help on this one. I bought this Album at an estate sale in New Egland a while back, but it wasn't until recently I was looking at the album and noticed on the clasp that it had the initials JFK stamped in it. Most of the picture were taken in Salam, MA I am thinking that I have bought an album that was part of John F. Kenndy;s family I need help by identifying the pictures to see if these are pictures of the Kenndy family, and if this is a true JFK Album what would this album possible be worth.
The JFK library should certainly be able to help you in your research.
Just a thought...I , like you am just learning about this website. Keep in mind when you upload pictures the FIRST one you upload will be the one shown on the Show & Tell page. Make it your most interesting shot. If you get a bad or unclear picture just click on the blue REMOVE and it is gone. (Note, you can also EDIT your page). If you go back and look at mine I have gotten a lot better ! :)
Excellent advice from Savoychina. It'd be great to see a clear pic of the initials.
If this is "something", be carefull pulling the pix out of the album pages -- they tear so easily. But they may have names on the back.
The value will depend on exactly who the people/family are, if you can trace/prove any sort of provenance, and, of course, where/how you sell it.
If it is Kennedy family history, it still won't be the JFK we know. Let us know what you find out.