Posted 10 years ago
(1022 items)
Another one of my child sized antique trunks. Not sure of the age of this one, but sometime in the mid to late 1800's.
Most of the brass buttons are original to the trunk. A few were missing and I had no other option but to replace them (only about 5 though).
Check out the bottom of this one. It has the name of the transfer company and its' to and from destination written in grease paint ( Stearns and Glossert Co. Via Humbolt and Troy Junction, NEB). I've never seen anything like that before. I thought that was great that the writing is still there.
I still have this one. My wife keeps boxes of photographs in it.
Thanks for looking!!
Thanks for the loves
Jim your collection keeps on giving!
Obviously a labor of love in every resto you do too.
Thanks racer4four!! I do have a passion for antique trunks as many of us do here on CW!!
Happy 2015 to you racer4four!
Hello Scott...thank you so very too!!..we are first off the block with only 10. 1/2 hours to go before the bewitching hour...I hope the New Year brings heaps!!! of lovely trunks..
inky, I hope 2015 brings you Good Health, Happiness and Prosperity!!
Which is more of the same for me bar one....and which I am more than happy to have again..thank you so much!...:-) too!
I dig the bottom 2, Thats my favorite type of thing to find, I live for finding a name under the canvas,I have found ( initials) or marks under the canvas of 2 french trunks so far ,they liked to leave their mark.
Drill, I cleaned out an old trunk a couple of years ago and you know how they would tape up and cracks in the wood before lining it? This one had an excessive amount of tape in the bottom and someone had written with a pencil the following: "NOT CLEANING UP THE MESS FROM THE BRAT TRUNK MAKER". It made me laugh out loud!! I'll have to post that so all can see that even workers in the 1800's got a little disgruntled every now and then:)
Thanks for the loves
Thanks walksoftly for the love!!
Happy New Year to you and your family!!
Jscott, sorry I haven't been able to give your great posts the attention they deserve but been busy & 4-5 days behind on CyberAsylum & will try to get back to them later. Your posts are some of my favourites. Happy New Year from "THE FRIENDY ' fukn' ISLAND"! LOL! Wish you were here, - -- instead of me. LOL!
What a nice find here, and writing underheat, that's Unbelievable.
You find it ,,,,,in this condition ??
2H1/2 to go
A BIG THANKS to you BB2!! And a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2015 to you my friend!!
Thanks Alan! No, I didn't find the trunk in this condition. I refinished the trunk and left the bottom alone, so as to not disturb any of the original writing. I had to replace the bottom slat as it was severely rotted and covering a seam in the bottom of the trunk. I had no choice but to replace the slat. But, it did not cover any of the writing.
Happy 2015 to you my friend!!
BB2 for the loves!!
Well, there won't be a 14 on any of our markers unless it is the day! The villagers didn't gather with pitchforks after I rattled the windows for 1/2 km around last nite with both blunderbusses! LOL!
Well, I'm definitely glad the pitchfork thing didn't happen!!
Thanks Sean!!
Just beautiful! Love the bottom. Never seen that before.
Thanks myoldkyhome!! The first and only time I've ever seen that kind of writing on any trunk!!
Neat ,Funny stuff,the Brat trunk maker must have ticked off the interior upolsterer/ finisher.
Ok jscott-- I have officially lost track of your trunks!!! I thought I had already loved this but lo and behold a new posting! You have made it look so pristine! Very lovely...
Thanks Drill!! Yeah, I busted out laughing when the inside of that trunk dried, because it was written in pencil and didn't show up when wet!
Thanks T-man!! Yep, they say a true trunk head can't have enough trunks. I think I officially do now! Thanks for the kind comment and the love!!!
Thanks for the love surfdub66!!
Thanks for the love musikchoo!!
Thanks for the loves,
Thanks for the love pops!! Very appreciated!
Thanks very much for the love and for stopping in!!!