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Bohemian glass and coral display

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (584 items)

    So this is my first post of the new year and I'd like it to be different to all the others.

    I am just back in Madrid from a two weeks stay at The Other City. During this time we've walked about the city, celebrated Christmas with our friends, launched great Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve dinners... and re-arranged the decoration in The Other House. I loved what Carlos did with his Bohemian glass and corals collections, mixing them up in a sort of under-the-sea display which is very close to the Wunderkammer concept he's always been so fond of.

    May you all have a wonderful 2015!!!

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    1. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks SKLO and DAVE for your love.

      Have a great new year!!!
    2. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Hi Austro!
      Wonderful display with these sea colors changing from blue to green!!! Love the gorgonas and coral mixed with your beautiful vases, really magic Ô..Ô !
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      Happy belated holidays !! stunning vases !!
    4. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 10 years ago
    5. VioletOrange VioletOrange, 10 years ago
      Very nice, creative photo
    6. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      That picture of Carlos' arrangement could be framed and hung. A beautiful composition.
    7. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Just wondering if the coral is artificially coloured? I've brought up many pieces diving & they lose their colour fast.
    8. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      A fine first post for 2015.
    9. fledermaus fledermaus, 10 years ago
      Gorgeous! Happy New Year! :-)
    10. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks everybody for the huge amount of love :), and you're making a long list!!!: JEWELS, AGH, KYRA, EZa, MANI, STEVE, CINDB, SEAN, LLL (!!!!!), VET, MIKE, MacART, IAN, VIOLET, HUNTER, POPS, MUSIKCHOO, RACER, BLUNDERBUSS, MICHELLE, BRATJDD, MARTY, FORTAPACHE, PATSEA, COBALT, FLEDERMAUS and MAC!!!

      @KYRA: I love those gorgonas! specially the small one... ah, the wonders Nature makes!!!

      @KAREN: Thanks Karen! you'll make my cheeks turn coral red ;)

      @BLUNDERBUSS: Not artifiaclly coloured. It's red coral from the mediterranean sea. This comes from the Neapolitan coast. In any cas, the dark one has been polished and it shows the inner skeleton of the coral. The two lighter ones still retain the original outer tissue and it seems to have faded a bit in colour. On the parts where it's broken -a few small chips- you can see the intense red skeleton.

    11. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Oooops, I wrote "have a happy new Tear"... LOL I hope you all understood it as Year ;)

      Thanks for your love CZECHMAN!!!
    12. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Carlos did a great display austro ! Very beautiful and Happy New Year !!
    13. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Happy new year MANI and PARIS!!!

      thanks for your love to HO2CULTCHA, CINB, RICK, ARISELLON, LISA, LOETZBUDDIES, PCKER, NORDICAMAN, COLORI and CHARCOAL!!! and happy new year for you too, of course!!!!
    14. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Hope I'm not raining on your parade, but all coral turns white when it dies & the colour goes fast. It is very porous & takes dye colouring very well. Hey, just being truthful. I even have a piece of black coral (dense) from real deep that is showing an amber colour slowly & black coral is the slowest to turn that I know of. I was a diver for decades (40+ yrs) & brought up many pieces. If kept out of the sun & other light, the colour last longer, but still goes.
    15. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks BRACKEN for your love!!
    16. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      SURFDUB, thanks for your love!!!
    17. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 10 years ago
      Realmente una evocación alegórica los azules verdosos de los vidrios y los fuegos del coral, la pasión en su mejor descripción feliz 2015 para ambos
    18. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Sa wa? LOL!
    19. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      @Blunderbuss. red coral from the Mediterranium is said to never lose its colour. as you can read at the wikipedia -if we're to believe it-:
      "Coral as a gemstone:
      The hard skeleton of red coral branches is naturally matte, but can be polished to a glassy shine.[2] It exhibits a range of warm reddish pink colors from pale pink to deep red; the word coral is also used to name such colors. Owing to its intense and PERMANENT coloration and glossiness, precious coral skeletons have been harvested since antiquity for decorative use."
    20. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Eso es precioso, KIVATINITZ! :)

      Feliz año nuevo también para vosotros
    21. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      CARDINALLADY and KUNSTHAMMER (and KIVATINITZ too): thanks for your love!!!
    22. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      All the coral such as you show, unless that is black coral in the background, loses colour fast. Of course, the denser the coral the slower the loss. Course I'm in the Wayward Islands. Maybe we should seed our reefs with some of the Med. stuff.
    23. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks for your love JANE!!!
    24. Katzl Katzl, 10 years ago
      Wow, what a lovely arrangement!! Looks really beautiful with the corals!!
    25. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      JEFF, MOONHILL and KATZL, thanks so much for your love!!!

      Well KATZL, what can I say? the artist in the family made it... it had to look great! ;)
    26. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      what a beautiful collection

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