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10 " Japanese "Imari" Bowl / Circa 19th Century

In Asian > Imari Porcelain > Show & Tell.
Imari Porcelain92 of 125Japanese 10" Imari Scallop Shell Plate / Meiji Period /Circa 19th CenturyChinese or Imari Porcelain Pair of Vases with mark - unsure?
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1232 items)

    Someone had donated a huge collection of Japanese ceramics to Salvation Army. Most of it was little vases and figurines that wound up in the display case. This was just sitting on the shelf with the other odds and ends. I have some Imari plates so I recognized it right away as these are usually not marked since it's export ware. A bit more orange than the customary dark red and cobalt blue, but still a nice piece. Most likely late 19th century (1880-90). There are two small hairlines at the scalloped edge but they're barely noticeable. Japanese porcelain doesn't have the same value as Chinese unless it's an extremely rare make or form. Still, I love Asian art and porcelain no matter what country it comes from. -Mike-

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thank you Sean :)
    3. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      It's lovely Mike!
    4. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Love it ;-)
    5. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thank you surfdub66 :)
    6. antiquefreek antiquefreek, 10 years ago
      Not sure about the one on the right, but left is Imari, and very nice! Lucky you!!
    7. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks antiquefreek :) ..It's actually the same bowl just the outside decor and bottom.
    8. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 3 years ago
      Can you tell if this is an early transfer ware piece? They came out very early and primitive in Japan first.
    9. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      you have to split in transferware and stencil ware , it looks superficially the same but it aint

      stencil ware = katagama zuri became popular around 1690 ( see kimono patterns and diaper cross hatching patterns

      transferware is kawana yaki became populair late edo and became a hype fin the siecle be means of the so called piecrust igezara

      IMO the tonality rules it out and the frotte of the herbals and the blossoms

      as always mikelv 85 did a excellent personally i think it is a bit later about 1920

      1VSKM collections japanese imari plate with flowers and in the vase flowers
      2 20 century vatican bowl
      3 tony allen asian art forum entry 06-01-2006

      other bowl other bowl did, not assess this on levigation or boshi because there is no need to

      this garlands try to represent the japanese equivalent of late chinese kangxi ware but are pseudo the tonality is off , and the backswiring of the garlands are too flat

      i don,t know but it looks like early 20 ct

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