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Remarkable 1920's or 30's German "Pyramid" Deco Mantle Clock

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (40 items)

    This (to me) absolutely stunning 1920's or 1930's German (Junghans Wurttemberg) Art Deco triangular or pyramid shaped mantle clock measures 12 1/2 inches high by 14 inches long by 5 1/2 inches deep. It's made of solid (tiger?) oak, runs perfectly and has a warm dual toned gong (on the half hour and the hour). Both its highly unusual shape and that truly massive bronze dial simply blew me away. As soon as I saw it I just KNEW that I "had" to have it, even though it exceeded my budget. Now I'll have to sell something else to pay for it, but I couldn't let this rare beauty get away because I know I'd never see another one like it.
    Been there done that, as I'm sure most (if not all) of you folks have too...

    Thanks for looking!

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    1. Arisellon Arisellon, 10 years ago
      Great clock and +1 for your CW login name. :)
    2. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      I chose that particular log in name because I'm a (retired) clinical hypnotherapist, and I wrote a book about the history of hypnotism.
      Fascinating subject (pun intended), but I enjoy collecting more....; - )
    3. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      Thanks, and yes, the beautiful symmetry IS almost "hypnotic".
      Never seen anything quite like it- certainly not from the 1930's....
    4. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      Good call- the seller described it as 1930's, but it could indeed easily be from the "Egyptian revival" craze of 1920's shortly after Carter discovered of King Tut's tomb (1923?).
    5. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      Its absolutely stunning , i would have bought it too & gone without food for 20 minutes !! Lol
      love the face and pyramid shape , could it be masonic??
      Such a cool clock to have ;-) great find ...
    6. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      Thanks, Surf- I would have gone without food for 22 minutes......maybe, but
      will sell another Junghans clock instead (or some of my wife's favorite things instead if I can get away with it...).

      Masonic? Perhaps. But if I confirm that I'm afraid I'll have to kill you (hey, rules are rules).
      ; - )

    7. surfdub66 surfdub66, 10 years ago
      LLLooooollll !!! Hyp-Storian
    8. Arisellon Arisellon, 10 years ago
      I think this clock that just appeared on Ebay would be a nice compliment to yours:
    9. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      Arisellon- why are you trying to bankrupt me? What have I ever done to you?! (LOL)
      By the way, that's the same seller I bought this one from (same price range too).

    10. Arisellon Arisellon, 10 years ago
      I'm just trying to encourage your passion ;)
    11. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      No "encouragement" necessary- what I need is someone to try and STOP me from collecting...; - )
    12. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Yea right!!! As if anyone could make you stop collecting!!! hahaha And I don't even know you but...Nice try! This is an amazing clock. Great buy!
    13. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago

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