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Beautiful Bronze Nude

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Art Deco Bronze250 of 250Machine Age LampCarl Sorensen "The Ideal Scout" Bronze.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (4 items)

    Over 40 years ago while working on a wrecked car my father found this bronze nude in the trunk. She appears to have castanets in her hands and beautiful detail of a flower and head band in her hair. We can't find any artist markings; we have no idea how old she actually is or if she really is made from bronze. She's been sitting on the shelf in my closet for over 5 years. I would greatly appreciate any information that you could give me regarding this statue.
    Thank you so very much.

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    1. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      It strikes me as unusual that both arms have a ring around them. Is she hollow? Are the arms removable? (unscrew, maybe?)
    2. GuardCat791, 14 years ago
      The arms were apparently damaged years ago and someone tried to fix them. As for them being hollow, I don't think so. This bronze nude is heavy so I doubt that it is hollow. Thank for asking.
    3. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Yeah it looks like they were actually broken? Wouldn't you think they would do a better job of attaching them if it had been case in pieces? Weird... Because how could they possibly BREAK off like that?...
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Easy to break if it fell. The breaks look like that because that IS WHERE they joined the arms to the rest of the statue. Usually the arms when extended especially is where they were joined to the statue. Some of the very complicated larger statues, even as small as maybe 25 inches had up to 22 joined pieces. The moulds were made separate when arms were cast, so for instance your statue had 3 separate moulds. The arms usually had a spike in one end which joined the piece to where it belonged. IF you gave me height of your piece I could have researched it in my books and Encyclopia of Bronzes but I did not see this when you originally posted it 9 years ago.

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