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Vintage Italian Pottery Dish/Plaque~Deeply Carved~A Story w/3 Figures~unsigned

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Peterdrury's loves145 of 292Autograph Booklet, Circa 1901Brass Bell retrieved from garage.
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (314 items)

    I'll try not to put you to sleep.
    ( Sorry for going on so in my last post ).
    This I love.
    The label is it's only identity, Italian!
    The carving of it, the story of it, enchants me.
    It's approximately 10+1/2" inches in diameter.

    I hope that someone can tell me something more about it.

    Thank You,

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thank You for the look and love, fortapache,
      much appreciated!!
    2. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thank You for the love, agh,
      much appreciated!!
    3. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thank You, Kevin,
      your looks and loves are always much appreciated!
    4. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Adam and Eve enlaced on the left, the apple tree and Eve ?
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    6. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the loves, mike, kyra, SEAN, & Trey!!
      and kyra, Thanks for the lovely comment!, just may be A & E
    7. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      Could this be a replica of a Fresco(sp) Maybe from a wax pressing from the actual , and then cast? I like it! Good for you.
    8. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thank You for the interesting comment, PostCardCollector,
      much appreciated!!
    9. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      It really is intriguing. Can I ask in one of the Italian FB pages ?
    10. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      I should assume you can. That is a great idea. I am on Facebook, but never have tried out of USA. That would certainly help answer a lot of questions on this site. Let us know!
    11. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Kevin, Thanks for the idea! Brilliant!
      and Thank You for the loves, Alan, melanie, and Elisabethan
      much appreciated!
    12. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      I've just put it up on FB, TONINO !!!

      Can you add the dimensions?
    13. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      No comments yet elsewhere, TONINO !!!
    14. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Grazie molte, K
    15. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      I had an artist friend who did "lost wax castings" and her statues and things always showed a light "grit" on places on the item. Sand did play a part in her art objects--do you note any of that on your piece? That might tell the story!!
    16. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Hello PostCardCollector,
      Yes, I think there is a rustic, 'sandy' quality to much of it. Hopefully we'll learn more in time. Thanks for keeping this in mind, I appreciated it!
      Have a good night,
    17. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      WOW--Then it must have been a cast taken from a "fresco" which I still think I can't spell--and maybe in the sand cast wax process my my friend the artist made. I think that may be a very obscure item! I think it is very special Good for you!
    18. EAPGDepression EAPGDepression, 10 years ago
      That must have been less than a dollar back then. Really nice piece.
    19. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the looks and loves, ho2, Peterdrury, and catteann
      and for the wonderful comments PostCardCollector and EAPG!
      much appreciated all!
    20. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      No news as yet, mate !!!
    21. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the update, Kevin.
    22. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the look and love, kivatinitz,
      much appreciated!!

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