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Brass Bell retrieved from garage.

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (95 items)

    I have recently retrieved this lovely old brass bell from a box in my garage (amazing what you come across). It does need a polish up but would be lovely as someone's door knocker. It is quite heavy and about 47cm in length. There is a dog scenario going on and the words "VOCEM-MEAM-A-OVIME-TANGIT" which apparently translates "Whoever Touches Me Hears My Voice". Uncertain of its history, I bought it about 10 or more years ago. Hope you like it.


    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      RING MY BELL !!!

      Love it !!!
    2. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Or ..., "What a Clanger!" LOL, thanks vetraio50, aghcollect and fortapache, glad you like it.
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Wow....We had on of those too. I think we picked it up either in Williamsburg or Sturbridge Village in the 70's while on vacation. I don't know what happened to it though. Probably was lost many moves ago .
    4. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      Very nice ~ love it
    5. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Thanks for appreciation Manikin, and loves from Roycroftbooksfromme1, Manikin, walksoftly, blunderbuss2, Militarist and mikelv85. :)
    6. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Lovely brass bell, i love it.
      Of coarse if this is polished, part of is value will be gone forever.
      Better to keep the way it is.....;-)I know this will look shinny an sparkle, but the value of this Bell was the workmanship of it but also the age of the tarnishing.
      Any Maker mark or Patent date on it??
    7. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Hi Alan, thanks for the advice I will leave it at is now. I don't recall seeing any markings or dates but will look a little closer. I will let you know. Lynette

      Thanks for the luv SEAN68 :)
    8. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 10 years ago
      more advice
      for free lol
      if it has a makers mark that identifies the date then the standard is, do what you like to it
      if youre going to try and date it and need the patternation then dont clean it
      ive seen the most amazing pieces in the grandest of premises and their staff would be sacked if the dated brass wasnt polished

      also, where the item brass that is, is an ornament like a glamourous art deco lady, the rub should be kept imho. But again, where you are trouping the colour then maybe

      did you mean it has a dog theme?

      The ringing of the bell or bells can mean so many different things.
      Your bell also has a really interest look like an angel over a dead person maybe? that your rnging the bells at the pearly gates?

      who knows but there are some things to be considering when look at your beautiful item

      consideration always need to be what are you planning on doing with youre going to sell it, speak to a really good seller who can advise you as to the best way to go

      if youre looking to preserve it and the look then sp;eak to a brass collector for sure

      like I say, speak to several ppl before deciding what to do...I had exposure to this stuff some years back and they did different things depending on the above :)

      cheers Anne
    9. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      I really don't want to do the BOSS HERE, it's really up to you, some individuals like it very much polish, but for me is different that's all.
      Still love it, a lot , polish or not.
      For the maker mark for sure you right to look little closer, I see sometimes very tinny mark ;-)
    10. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      AnneLanders thank you for you time and sharing your experience. I hadn't really thought that much about it until Alan2310's comments. Yes it does have a dog theme and the angel is very appealing. The gong part of the bell is a little rusted however still has a powerful ring sound.
      Alan2310 I'm still looking for "tinny" mark! Cheers Lynette.
    11. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Thanks for luvs Peterdrury, SEAN68, aghcollect, and fortapache. Cheers Lynette.
    12. EAPGDepression EAPGDepression, 10 years ago
      @mikelv85 I agree this might be around this time period. They were making brass repros of a lot of things but not quite as detailed as the original works. I have a creepy brass cup from the same time period which at first glance appears very old with eyes formed like this. Still a very nice piece though either way.
    13. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Belated thank you for luvs racer4four, lundy and ho2cultcha.
    14. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 10 years ago
      Beautiful and Bizarre at the same time--doesn't get better than that as far as I am concerned!!!!!
    15. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Ohh that's a lovely comment on the old bell ! Thanks PostCardCollector :)
    16. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the luv pw-collector :)
    17. kerry10456 kerry10456, 10 years ago
      Cool bell, does it have deep tone or dull ring?
    18. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Hi kerry10456, thanks for nice comment and luv. It has quite a loud resonating ring and I wouldn't want to stand near it for too long if being rung ! LOL
    19. kerry10456 kerry10456, 10 years ago
      you're welcome... always enjoy a "Sharp" tone....a lot of the brass bells don't have the quality. Thanks again for sharing this beauty
    20. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      That's good to know about the tone kerry10456 :)
    21. LuluX LuluX, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the luv smiata :)
    22. lovesvintage2000, 9 years ago
      I have one of these but without the clanger inside or the pull chain

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