Posted 10 years ago
(1232 items)
I thought this little 8" stone pony/horse was rather nice. It's in perfect condition no chips or nicks. I find the proportions and anatomy a little odd but still a nice piece. Not sure of what the materials is... maybe onyx ? It's a nice shade of pale green thru and thru with just a touch of brown at the tip of his tail and a bit on the base. No marks at all. The bottom is just carved out a bit. It almost looks like a hood ornament. If you tap the legs in the front it has a nice ring to it like fine china. Kind of weird for stone. A curious piece. -Mike-
Curious for sure. The head looks almost dog like. Is it alabaster?
I really don't know Karen..... I was thinking onyx but it has a ring when you tap it like porcelain. Alabaster is kind of porous this is more glass like. I've never seen stone ring like that. Unless it's some kind of glass. It's definitely crystalline in structure with veining. Like I say curious execution and material.
Alabaster or white onyx in my opinion :-) a dhorse? (Dog/horse mix!)
Try to do a scratch test under the base with a steel sharp needle; if it leaves a white line, soft alabaster, if a grey line, hard onyx!
Thanks Kyra :) ..... he's a curious mix alright with the flared nostrils and shortened hind quarters. Scratch test yielded a white line. So alabaster it is !
An aladhorsebaster it is ! :-D