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Old Beatles Record with Hand-Written Label "Beatles in Japan" Any guesses?

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (78 items)

    Today, I found an old Beatles album that does not have a printed label. It only has "Beatles at Japan" handwritten on a blank yellow album case. It also has "Japan 1900-A".handwritten near the center. The record has "Beatles" handwritten in the yellow center. Typed in the middle is " Side One". Flip side has "Side Two". There is a beige dust jacket.

    Any guess what this record is???

    Also... Capital Record labeled " The Beatles Story", On one side is: "The Beatles will be Beatles", "Man Behind the Music - George Martin; 3. George Harrison.....

    I'm not a record collector whatsoever. I don't own a record player so I can't even play them.
    Anyone familiar or interested in these records?
    Thx for your feedback.

    UPDATING.. Today, I listened the record. Yep, it is one long recording of the Beatles in concert. Crowd applause. One of the Beatles was announcing their songs. There's about 11 songs including Rock and Roll Music, She's a Woman, Paperback Writer, Yesterday and some more songs were on it. Both sides are recorded. The sound was wonderful and it was exciting to hear them talk and sing. I was told it is in "very good grade condition" I'm kinda thinking might be their concert at Nippon Budokan Hall, Tokyo but I don't follow Beatles history.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. captainslack captainslack, 10 years ago
      Most likely either an interview disc or a bootleg. Possibly both.
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      I remember seeing bootlegs like this here in Oz in the Sixties.
    3. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      I think you have a bootleg. I have collected records for a long time, and this is kind of typical for an early bootleg. Cool find. Do you have a turntable to play it?
    4. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      Sorry... re-read where you do not have a table. Take them to a local record store if you have one and have them play it. They would likely enjoy seeing it.
    5. sunnynature22 sunnynature22, 10 years ago
      I never heard of a bootleg record before so this has been a learning experience. I'm really curious what is on the record. I'll try find an old hippie friend with a turntable to check it out soon. Thx for feedback!
    6. welzebub welzebub, 10 years ago
      Please let us know. I am curious also.
    7. sunnynature22 sunnynature22, 10 years ago
      Funny note.... The handwritten title says "Beatels".
    8. flesh flesh, 10 years ago
      Yeah please provide a track list if you get this played- cool find! :)
    9. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      very cool that you got to hear it . Great record !

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