Posted 10 years ago
(1 item)
My dad was one of the first camera collectors in the 1960's. He started the Photographic Collector's Newsletter which was the first periodical on the subject in 1968. I now have much of his collection and I am learning about cameras and what I like personally, while realizing that I am becoming my own small collector when I never was before.
This is a neat 1940's Dick Tracy 127 camera with a red faceplate in great shape. I love cameras with this look and I love that my dad put tags on each item telling where and when he got it.
Hi ... I knew your father ... he was an amazing man and [indeed] a major force in camera collecting. Eaton was quite generous, shared his knowledge and often found obscure ephemera for my research.
Wow, that's neat to hear. He was my best friend and I wish I developed my interest in cameras while he was still here...we could have had great fun collecting together!
We all miss Eaton and I still have a lot of our correspondence. He had a deep passion for magazine cameras and often e-mailed pictures of his newest acquisitions. Please post more cameras!
Oh I will...I stumbled onto this site while trying to value a camera I have. I actually recently opened an Etsy shop called "cameracottage" (1 word) and I have started to list and sell some of the lower end cameras as "mystery vintage cameras". The look of vintage cameras is quite trendy now and people like the look of them for their décor.
Hi CD! I'm here too! Even though I didn't know your dad, I probably learned most of what I know about cameras from him. I'm proud to own a camera from his collection, and hope (as you know) to own more!
See here:
Welcome to CW and what a interesting life you must have had and a highly respected Dad :-) Love the camera !
That is some great camera!!
Hi John! Wow, I have some more of that style In the box with roughly 22 of this style I was telling you about. 1 is a Regal and 1 Cinex, I don't know if I have more, but the look of these really appeals to me for some reason.
Welcome CW. I'm another avid camera collector as you might've see. On my Instagram page too. Your father had an amazing collection. I've seen your store but after talking to you unfortunately found out you don't ship to Canada....haha all good though. Hoping to see some more camera photos you have.