Posted 9 years ago
(559 items)
Gotta love a good dog and these three are pretty appealing.
All made by Marti Glass Japan, probably 1960s.
I think they show a real sense of humour and probably from the same designer - if only I knew who.
I have seen the thermometer dachshund sans thermometer but for some strange reason the thermometer feels good to me. Maybe it's that whole 1960s kitsch thing I get into!
All are around 20cm long (that's 8in for non metricated).
Awwwww -- "How Much is that Doggie in the Window" ??
Love them, Super Post !!
Love 'em all .... the thermometer is fabulous !!!!
Whimsical and functional too !
Thanks for the love clicks everyone.
Thanks Rose - I remember singing along with Doris as a kid!
Nice temp here today too isn't it Vet! Thanks.
Great word whimsical - thanks Mike.
really fun love them .
Always love your zoo! ;-))
Simply adorable Karen, and the plus side is no fleas! ;-)
OMG these are so flippin' cute!!! It's a dog day afternoon after all!
And thanks for the non-metric thing. I swear I just can't get the hang of that! Ya just can't teach an old dog a new trick!!! Now how fitting was that for ya?!? ahhhahaha
Hey K, is that a pic of your bike?
These are great. I had a look on the internet and these guys are virtually unheard of. Not one picture of anything relating to Marti Glass that came up on google except a few postings from this site!
Thanks Marty, Kyra, Budek and Rick for the love and comments!
Sue that's a pic of my old girl, not my everyday ride. ta.
Hamish I sometimes wonder if outside Japan I am alone in the sea of Japanese glass! Thanks - here is Marti's website (will need translation):
Yes, I can see why that website is a little problematic....
These are amazing !!
Awe, never have I ever seen a glass wiener dog. Love it the best.!! So Cute!!
Gorgeous glass pups, special love here :)
That green hound is awesome!
Thanks Jenni, happy you especially love them!
Dav2 isn’t that green one hilarious. Smile dog for sure. Thanks!