Posted 9 years ago
(945 items)
We found this old beauty a while back and decided we need it for the Museum at aaaLakeside Storage because of its history of having been used to build the Hoover Dam (Boulder Dam) just outside of Las Vegas. It's a chain drive and very unique. Haven't convinced my wife that "all it needs is a little paint and tires" to get it on the road. I need to work on my Sales skills I think?
Man that would be awesome restored , I wonder what it had on the back? Dump Bed?
All it needs is a wax job! Get current tetanus shots 1st.
Ha Ha! Thx for the love it.
She's a beat!! Nice "20's Mack chain drive, super heavy-duty truck!!
That should read "Beaut"!! Lol getting old !!
We think this will look great out in front as yard Art? Wonder how much it weighs? Too heavy for my trailer.
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Antique toys,
Thx for the love it. Pretty big toy!
Thx for the love it. The Mack truck was nicknamed the Bull Dog during WWI as it was such a powerful tough truck and could do about anything.
Thx for the love it
Thanks for the love it. We finally bought a trailer big enough to haul it home. Happy days! Just got to wait for the snow to melt a little
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Great old workhorse. I would drive her as is, if the tires held air. Tire blowout wouldn't be too bad, not like she would be doing 60. I work in the shiny new Kenworth world, full of sensors, multiplex wiring, exhausr aftertreatment systems. It is horrible to see the amount of issues that down a truck these days. Seeing these old treasures with chain drive, armstrong steering, heavy metal from front to back, etc. is fantastic. I am sure she would run great with a bit of tinkering. Great pic of a great truck.
Exactly! No fancy things to go wrong! No computers, no plastic parts, no relays made in Mexico, none of that stuff that makes us all go crazy! Just plain old brute force internal combustion! I love it!
Thx for the love it
Ha! Slip of the wrist gives new meaning