Posted 9 years ago
(956 items)
Harvester or Cat? Both are from the 20s-30s and just need a little TLC, says the owner who wants me to buy them? Every old guy needs a Crawler of some sort and these are both small and don't take up a lot of room.
Decisions Decisions?
lol ...
Love it... That would be an easy decision for me... RUN ! :-)
Rattletrap, That would be a tough decision. But, if I had to decide in a hurry, I go with the CAT. Then, I'd probably go broke restoring it:))
I would chose BOTH!
My feelings exactly! I love old stuff.
Run to which machine? :):)
I am partial to the Harvester.
if I had to pick one then ....................Ummmmmmm ???
I agree. Just haven't figured out how to put it together yet
I like its appearance the best but need both anyway
Thx for the love it.
Thx for the love it
So the real question is: "why do I need one"?
Better get both
one good two better
Cool traction engines!
They maybe expensive to rehab????
U are right about the engines. Both are frozen & both are gas. Not good and not easy to move these guys. Our excavator can probably lift them off the trailer if we could figure out how to load them? Hmmmm? What will my wife say about your idea?
I usually go with the ask 4 forgiveness instead of permission
But those may hard to hide from wifes prying eyes
Loading them and getting them home mat be quite a feat of engineering
be safe
Those are my sentiments exactly!!! It's such a guy thing!!! Fire trucks, graders, dozers, tanks, all COOL stuff we somehow have "needed" since we were kids out playing in the mud. Isn't life great?
Oh My Yes
Life is great 4 kids of all ages with toys. LoL
From toys in the sand box to driving real , full size dozers , pay loader , tractors etc
I have enjoyed the ride
Big Smile
My dad had a tractor like the red one!
Unfortunately while I was on vacation the owner of the tractors sold them at an auction. I missed everything!
Thx for the comment. I actually bought an early Cat crawler which is now displayed at the Lakeside Storage Museum. Also got a couple of Steamers to go with it.