Posted 9 years ago
(761 items)
Two months ago now I found this 'Fußbecher' at the monthly Wenty Collectors' Fair. It was my only buy that day and I came across it after three hours pounding the aisles!
What surprised me was the condition of the beaker. The enamel gilding was perfect. No chips. Everything intact! It was just a bit dirty internally as you can see from the pics.
Perhaps it is a later version of the Biedermeier style beakers produced in Bohemia by quite a few companies. A few years ago I had bought a beaker at the same market that you can see in pic.4 and I spent some researching it on the net. I returned to that site to read again the material by Walter Spiegl on the topic "Farbige und überfangene Gläser der Biedermeierzeit".
The colour of this beaker really is striking. A teal colour. In the article above Spiegl mentions glass of this same colour that was created by the use of Copper. The German term for this glass is 'Kupferglas'.
At any rate I'd appreciate any input from the CW glass fiends on this beaker.
Enamel and gilding around the deep cut areas.
Height: 14cm or 5.5"
Width at lip: 9.5 cm or 3.75"
Weight: 857 gr. 30 oz
A very small 6 or 9 in gilt in the centre of the ground and polished pontil.
This is a quick link to the Walter Spiegl article:
Kevin this is Stunning, great find.
Many thanks ALAN for those kind comments and to JENSEN, HO2CULTCHA, KYRANTANGO, JSCOTT & AURA too !!!!!!
Many thanks CAPERKID 'n MIKELV !!!!!
Ein wunderschönes Stück!!!
I can't believe how good the enamel work still is. Gorgeous teal too.
Worth the frustration of looking, looking looking!
Beautiful vase, my word, well worth the three hours! :)
Many thanks for the kind comments RADEGRUNDER, KAREN & KATHERINESCOLLECTIONS and for the loves thanks too to SEAN, VIOLETORANGE, WELZEBUB, SWFINLUV, SKLO & BLUNDERBUSS too !!!!!
wonderful colour indeed. It would feel good having in hand (weight and coolness)
The color is beautiful and the gilding even better Kevin! What a special find!!
These beakers were usually single items I think RÜCKLGLASS .... I've never seen multiples of any kind .... not that that means it never happened though ....
It's a real beauty, vetraio! :)
Many thanks MICHELLE !!!!!!
Thanks again for the help LISA .... I do not have the book, unfortunately.
Thanks so much LISA I appreciate it !!!!
Love it!!! Love the Design and Colors !!
Many thanks PEASEJEAN, ANTIQUEROSE 'n ANNEL too !!!!!!!
Many thanks TREY !!!!!!!
Many thanks SCOTTIE !!!!!
Many thanks SMIATA, MOON & NICEFICE too !!!!!!!
Many thanks TONINO !!!!!!
Many thanks MACDADDYRICO !!!!!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE !!!!!!
Many thanks TEDSTRAUB & ANNAB too !!!!!!
Many thanks ELISABETHAN !!! !!!
Many thanks CL-ANT, ANTIQUEROSE & AURA too !!!!
Many thanks BALILES !!!!
Many thanks FREIHEIT & BALILES too!!!!!!
Many thanks VLADIMIR !!!!
Gorgeous, all good things come to those who wait ...
Many thanks LULU !!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!!
Many thanks ALDO !!!!
My gosh Kevin ... You have wonderful pieces ...
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!
Many thanks KERRY !!!!!
Many thanks INDROZDENKO & ONEGOODFIND too !!!!!
Many thanks LOVELYPAT & LOVEDECANTERS too !!!!
Many thanks DARANOKES too !!!!!
Glad to be your 50th (loves)'s a beautiful vase! Bob
Beautiful little Gem! Love the dark blue base color.
Many thanks SHAWN !!!!!
Many thanks AUNTMOLLY !~ !!! !!! !!! ~!
A benevolent remark: I always take care if gilding is too intact (even that is being rubbed off and faked). The first flood came from Romania at 10 Deutsch Marks at the time.They did not bother much to make beakers look old and although the quality was somewhat inferior, surprisingly not recognizable in cut glass but in enamel painted flowers. In the meantime, unscrupulous dealers tried to make them look old; they used sandpaper on the base.
Compare with image 4 here:
This cannot be faked: glass moved over tiny particles of dust for decades at various directions. Hundreds of years produce almost a matt surface. Having been kept safe in the cabinet or elsewhere during so many turbulent years is very unlikely.Besides, most of Bohemian beakers I found in old homes were used as vases placed everywhere with stale water and dried flowers.Even a couple of decades reveal minute scratches in various directions that cannot be faked. I find this the only reliable method of dating.
Kindest regards
Many thanks again for your kind comments IVAN !!!! I'm as wary as you believe me. I am away from home at the moment. When I get back I will redo the pix with a shot of the base. Thanks too to MARTIKA & FREIHEIT !!!!!
Many thanks AMATOORPIKR !!! !!!! ! !!!! !!!
Very pretty!!
Many thanks MrsTYNDALL !!! ! !!!
Many thanks RODDYQ !!! ! !!!
Persistence pays off !!! I now know that this is not an old piece of glass ... it is just sixty years old. In November 2015 I found this 'Fußbecher' at the monthly Wenty Collectors' Fair.
Freundschaftsbecher Nr. 11572/5655, smoke, geschliffen und handgemalt in Goldreliefdekor."
A year and a half later and I was having a look around Jindrich Parik’s fabulous site looking for some pix of a Zemek vase when I came across an article in German from the Glasrevue magazine of 1958/7:
There it was with two other beaker with the following text in German: “ Freundschaftsbecher Nr. 11572/5654 und 11572/5655, smoke, geschliffen und handgemalt in Goldreliefdekor, sowie Nr. 11572/5653, violett, geschliffen, mit handgemaltem Dekor in Hochemail.”
It was part of a four page article that began with this introduction:
“Die tschechoslowakischen Glasmacher haben für Sie eine umfangreiche Kollektion von Freundschaftspokalen vorbereitet. Die künstlerische Auffassung dieser Kollektion liegt ganz in der Tradition der Formen und der Dekorationsarten. Es sind Freundschaftsgläser ähnlich jenen, die bereits Ihre Vorfahren ihren Freunden zum Zeichen der Freundschaft vor langen Jahren schenken. In diesen Jahren aber haben diese Pokale in keiner Hinsicht an Anmut verloren, in Gegenteil sie wurden geradezu klassisch. Man kann unter ihnen Kelche und Pokale aus überfangenem Email, reich verziert und bemalt, dreischichtige, vergoldete Glaser, sowie Lazurgläser mit zart gravierten Tier- oder Pflanzenmotiven finden. Es fehlen auch nicht Pokale mit Hochglasur oder andere Überfanggläser, deren innere Opalschicht zeitweilig die Vorstellung chinesischen Porzellans hervorruft. Besonders wirkungsvoll ist auch die typische Egermannsche Gravure auf Opalglas in Rubinlasur. Die ganze Kollektion der Freundschaftspokale ist ein typisches Muster der Vielfältigkeit der Dekorationskunst tschechoslowakischen Glases, das von den Glattmachern in der Gegend von Bor erzeugt wird.”
"The Czechoslovakian glassmakers have prepared for you an extensive collection of friendship cups. The artistic concept of this collection lies entirely in the tradition of forms and types of decoration. They are friendly friends like those whom your ancestors already give their friends as a sign of friendship long years ago. In these years, however, these trophies have in no way lost their charm, on the contrary, they have become classic. Among them are chalices and cups of enamelled enamel, richly decorated and painted, three-layered gilded glasses, as well as lazur glasses with delicately engraved animal or plant motifs. There are also no goblets with high-glaze or other jets whose inner opal layer occasionally provokes the idea of Chinese porcelain. Particularly effective is the typical Egermann engraving on opal glass in Rubinlasur. The whole collection of the Friendship Pokals is a typical example of the variety of Czechoslovak glass decorations produced by the glass makers in the Bor region. "
Jindrich Parik has told me that the work on the beaker suggests Steinschönau rather than Novy Bor.
Many thanks NH10 & OZMARTY !!!
Many thanks DLPETERSEN !!!!!
Many thanks IVAN !!!!!
Many thanks BRACKEN3 !!!!!!!
Many thanks SHELUVSJEWELRY !!!!
Many thanks THOMAS & MRSTYNDALL !!!!!!
Many thanks VYNIL & HO2CULTCHA !!!!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !!.!!.!!
Many thanks HAWKEYE !.!.!!.!.!
Many thanks ARTFOOT !.!!.!.!!.!
Many thanks NAFSSALG !.!!.!.!!.!
Many thanks APOLLO !!!!!!
Many thanks VYNIL !!!!!
Many thanks DEANO & BEYERMANN !!!!!
Many thanks FAITH.k !!!!!