Posted 9 years ago
(1007 items)
The first two images are of The Erie-Lackawanna Dining Car Preservation Society's brochure describing their restored NKP Pullman car, named The City of Lima.
The brochure is both descriptive and informative, and walking through the car one is reminded of the elegance of this mode of travel.
The Society is currently restoring a Lackawanna dining car, and puts both the Pullman and the Diner into service on rail excursions.
The image of the City of Lima was taken by me back in 2007 at Scranton, PA.
Thank you, Caperkid…the next time that I see this car (hopefully, I'll be riding, then :) ) I will have my camera for inside views.
Hi, Lisa…thanks for the love~
She is a beauty can't wait to see the pics.
And I can't wait until I can get access to the car again. Incidentally, the dining car that the group is working on is pretty much restored in the seating area. The kitchen needs to be finished, for true on board meals. Now the meals are prepared off board and are brought on the trips for consumption. The Pullman and the Diner almost always travel together.
Interesting stuff. Why do you think the bullet type of fast trains never took in the USA especially back east in the higher populated areas.
I think that the State highway departments in the East are "influenced" profoundly by construction unions and trucking companies. But the numbers are catching up with such short sided planning…after all, how many traffic lanes can be safely added to a highway.
Presently, there is some movement to get people back o the rails. For example, NYC to Buffalo via Binghamton and Scranton, and connecting PA's Lehigh Valley with NYC via rail.
There were some tests with the TALGO trains between Philadelphia and Ptttsburgh, which features a winding, mountainous route. The TALGOS passed the test, but nothing came of it.
I think that the TALGOS would conquer the same type of terrain on NYC-Buffalo route, which I had mentioned earlier.
Hopefully, the high speed trains will someday become an Eastern reality, and beyond the East, also>
Thank you, Nicefice…I appreciate the love.
Hi, 'Buss thanks for the love…..
Good morning, Dave, thanks for the love….
Hi, v-50,,,thank you for the love!
Good afternoon, Lisa.…hanks for your love of this Pullman car…..
Merry Christmas Tedd...and a wonderful New Year!...:-)
Thank you, my friend inky! And the you have a Merry Christmas and a great 2016, also!
Thank you, officialfuel!
Hi, sean….I appreciate the love!