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Large Antique Display Trophy Cabinet Out of Old School

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Cabinets840 of 910Antique Printer's Cabinet?Maple China Cabinet With Burl Inlay Along With Other Pieces Of The Dining Room Set Circa 1910-1920
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (190 items)

    An incredible display cabinet that was removed from an old school that probably displayed trophies back in the 1920's and 1930's. The glass in the cabinet is very wavy and seems to be all original. I took out my china cabinet and put this in the dining room instead, besides who actually uses fine china anymore? I have ancient iron wood hand carved buffalo displayed on the top, these pieces are very large with the largest one weighing in at 36 lbs, and inside the display case are just a few of my goodies, the ugly duckling is one of my favorites! Thanks for looking!

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    1. chevy59 chevy59, 14 years ago
      Thank you Savoychina1, stepback_antiques, and officialfuel.
    2. chevy59 chevy59, 14 years ago
      Thank you MooreAntiques, trukn20, and Pop_abides.
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 14 years ago
      Love the cabinet, also love the mini buffalo, neat
    4. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks kerry10456, leighannrn, and lovevintage. I updated some of the pics!
    5. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      Is that a murano glass turtle on the left of the first shelf from the bottom? Sweet!

      Say hi to Jamie and Derek!!
    6. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks Esther110, the glass turtle is actually a Joe Rice paperweight. You now know my real name, I'm busted! Lol
    7. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks hotkitties and dusty!
    8. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      I googled Joe Rice paperweight and saw some of them a little closer. They are really nice!! Thanks for sharing!
    9. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Joe Rice makes really nice paperweights, he has carried on the 60 plus year tradition of making hand blown glass from his uncle's, Joe, Bob, and Ed St. Clair, all of whom are deceased now. Some of these paperweights are worths hundreds of dollars.
    10. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks stefdesign.
    11. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks AR8Jason.
    12. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks savoychina1 and laureniscontent.
    13. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks purpleisafruit6.
    14. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks mtg75, sandhardin, and Designer!
    15. jimborasco jimborasco, 13 years ago
      I LOVE this collection....Partial to the double oil lamp....and the Standard trucks....and the toys....and the pewter statue....Hell, love it all Jimbo

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