Posted 9 years ago
(222 items)
Illuminated Original Super Chief Car Hood Ornament, Blackstone Mfg. Co. Inc., U.S.A., Copyright 1950
This is a very well made and nice hood ornament produced in 1950. This is an ORIGINAL from 1950 and most boxes that they found years later stored were pretty tattered with the smells of being stored in a garage for over 50 years. I only have the one, but there were a fair bit made, unlike most mascots where you find them now far and between if you are lucky. Most of this particular mascot that can be found in American collections were never used. Had the bulb, instruction paper and screws for the chrome base. Marked on chrome headress back, Made by Blackstone Mfg. Co., Chicago Ill., Copyright 1950. Luckily these have not been copied so far, probably too hard with the 2 types of materials used. The face is not as red as shown but more a brownish dark orange. I coloured the last photo to show a more true colour to the face of this mascot.
The French were pretty much into Indians as mascots also. They produced somewhere over 10 different ones.
"Stunning Phil "
Thank you rose. Much appreciated.
Thank you much for the loves, VioletOrange, antiquerose, NevadaBlades, freiheit, and ho2cultcha !~
Thank you blunderbuss2 !
Not sure on this one Phil !LOL!! OK, they are collector's items 60+ yrs later. Being honest. I remember seeing them !
Luckily I do not remember, I have seen the smaller ones on the somewhat older cars.
Super cool Phil ! :)
That's really nice!
I love this and bb2 you are vintage too :-) <wink>
Mani, I prefer classic.
Ok bb2 I agree your classic and one of a kind but love you anyway :-)
Everybody loves a classic ! Don't they ?
Wow that's great. We cant have that kind of thing on out Cars in the UK. Unless of course you have a Jag or a Rolls Royce!
Thanks GeodeJem, they have not been used on cars since really the 1930's. Almost all of them disapeared by the 1950's and most were being made for only a very short time.
What a great piece!
Thank you courtenayantiques I appreciate that !
A m a z i n g!!! Love it.
Love the colors! Although, not so sure if he's politically correct these days... Particularly in
Thanks for the comments Virginia and toolate2 ~
Thanks for the love bijoucaillouvintage !
Beautiful colors for n this :)
Beautiful colors in this :)
Most Excellent!