Posted 9 years ago
(222 items)
The Funniest Story on "Where did you get that hood ornament" or Trash
When I first seen a genuine American country auction with a lot of hood ornaments I ended up buying 27 lots. Well some were nice but there was this one piece that I thought was king of kitschy. I lived with it about a year, well hidden in a drawer. and then I took it out last year and had to get rid of it, so of course I went to the saleroom of kitsch, ebay. I knew that if I kept it, the real big mascot collectors would laugh, although I have seen it shown in a book, and so I did the dastardly deed for a collector and added it to the ebay. I cleaned up the photos intensely. They originally were terrible and showed the piece that way. Since then I have thrown most all those cleaned up pics out.
The auction was quite slow and then bidding was started and of course the price was fairly low and then I got a couple bids and then finally a winner. The winner was not sure if I should send it to Detroit where she was originally from or Hollywood, where she had a house also. I on a whim looked up her name and saw that she indeed had some history with Detroit. Within a few hours the decision was made for hollywood as she had the final decision to buy and for the piece.
So do you know who the buyer was, those people who are hip to Hollywood gossip ??? I will reveal that in this post shortly......When I tell you who would buy this kitsch. I hope someone can guess ??
Yes the buyer is Allee Willis, now for her museum of Kitsch. Allee is a songwriter for such bands as Earth Wind And Fire, and also did the lyrics for the show Friends among her accomplishments. It was a lot of fun getting to talk with her.
Thanks OneGoodFind and glassiegirl for being on top, and getting it right !~
I think !
Thanks blunder2, I like your thinking !
Barry Weiss or Jay Leno
Maybe Tim Alllen.
Oh, and the Arnold S.
Caper...haha..Love the Barry Weiss!!
Caper, I tried to ask Barry, but he wouldn't shut-up long enough for me to ask, so I hung-up . LOL !!
Glassie, we couldn't think of a woman who would buy it, so we just took the ball & ran with it for fun. Hey, maybe Barry is a female in drag as a guy ! LOL!!
Blunderbuss, Barry can be a hoot but not him or his friends. She has lots of videos out about her stuff and the big clue is in "the word" of the first two lines of the story.
Ellen Burstyn ?
O.K. I will tell you who bought it --- she is the Queen of Kitsch !!
Allee Willis
Yes, and thank you. Love that she wrote the song for Earth Wind and Fire and has that big pink kitsch museum house in the Hills.
Missy Elliot
Sorry I speed read seen Detroit though lol
btw there seems to be a lot of videos of her items it seems. A title she has had for a while now.
LOL, that was fun.
You should do this again real soon. :)
Night all/ or good morning. :)
Oh wow....I missed the fun. Great idea Phil!! Makes sense as to the who. Great Story!! The closest I get to anything Hollywood is:
A distance Relative used to be " ZSA ZSA Gabor" Personal Assistant in Hollywood.....and that was in the 1980'
Great Contest Phil!!! THUMBS UP !!
Good show Phil. As usual, I knew the answer but didn't want to ruin the fun. You sure had them going ! Allee Willis ? Never heard of her ! LOL !!
Fun post as you advertised, Phil :-D
For me, Queen of the Kitsch was Barbara Cartland.... That to say what kind of high culture I have, lol!
You can look at Allee Willis on the many videos on her and her museum. Barbara of course is kitsch, so of course she would be in the collection.
Thanks Oroyoroyisthatyourhorse, just love the song September that Allee wrote.
I also love the song Boogie Wonderland which she wrote and I did see them perform that one !
Oh how I love this post!
Karenoke, thanks for looking back !~