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78 Records125 of 131vynel recordsVocalion Rare Blues Sleeve
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (1 item)

    Why records?

    I was rummaging through a huge, eclectic junk yard when I found a dark shed and couldn’t resist having a look inside. I found piles of old 78’s stacked into Gaudiesque pillars, no covers, just record against record. Instantly, I was attracted to these strange and forgotten objects. 78’s have an all most sci-fi feel about them, disks that contain voices and sounds from distant times.

    I practice in the field of pyrography (burning images) and handmade natural pigments (mostly works on paper), so my initial thought was to burn patterns onto the surface of the records. After five seconds of burning I was reeling from the fumes and I realised that burning wasn’t going to work. Then I thought about cutting out sections of the records to reveal negative space. Music is released from silence, you only have to look to the masters of classical music to realise the power of silence and that without silence there is no music.

    Information is continuously morphing and changing through loss and gain, be it for better or worse. My aim with carving records is not to impose myself or my art on these beautiful objects, but rather to reflect the importance of nothingness, loss and deterioration. I try to make the empty space more pleasing than what is left, what is left I hope reflects the morphing and deteriorating quality of life and our endeavor to harness permanence.

    For any further information please feel free to contact me at,

    78 Records
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    1. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 15 years ago
      Spoken like a true child of the 60' matter how old you are !
    2. valleyboy valleyboy, 15 years ago
      these pieces are beautiful---thanks for the photos and the equally lovely description. always amazing to see a unique piece of art
    3. BHenry BHenry, 15 years ago
      I have never seen anything like this before, these are truly beautiful. Nice work!
    4. brian smith, 14 years ago
      you carve up a black patti or a willie brown paramount and i will get the authorities involved.
      jus' sayin.
    5. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      I know what you mean Brian! LOL
    6. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I do love them they are beautiful, but a little heart broken about the Portait of Jenny :( I don't have that one to play. I'm with Brian and Dave be careful you don't do that to a rare one!
    7. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Don't mess with any Blue Notes! LOL
    8. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I have a stack of fox trots you can have to keep the blues and R&B safe. The Western ones too! Other then that I would put those on my walls.
    9. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      Those are very cool. I have around 15 pallets of records 16's, 45's, 33's & 78's. When I come across one that has been played to death and scratched beyond value mainly the 33's I transform them. First I place it into a custom made frame heat it up and stretch it over a desired shape and it then becomes a record bowl. I will have to post some pictures when I make some more. They usually sell very quick.
    10. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      OMG! Trenchartman! I have a record someone did that to, it is a Sun Records, Elvis Good Rockin Tonight 78. Retail $1000.00 + now its a Popcorn Bowl! So SAD! LOL Dave
    11. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      I am careful not to use a valuable one I do some research before transforming the record. I have sold some before on ebay.
    12. joe, 14 years ago
      Beautiful work. But, as a record collector, I hope you are mostly using the pop junk from the late forties and early fifties, of which there are literally tons, rather than the older stuff, which is disappearing fast.
    13. shortfellow shortfellow, 14 years ago
      nice job, back in the forties when i was a kid i used to take those old records and put them in the oven and they would form a bowl shape of course without my parents knowing.
    14. liventruth liventruth, 9 years ago
    15. Walt_league, 8 years ago
      Brian, I also agree.
      However, Shep Field, and Homer Rodenhever are free game.
    16. Walt_league, 8 years ago
      Scott, they truly are works of art.
    17. Walt_league, 8 years ago
      Watch out Dance Bands are very popular. Only "up cycle" the waltzes, leave the foxtrots alone.

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