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Morris Family Farm 1967

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BHIFOS's loves270 of 4973Old school ruff library/writing table ????helpNot a gerdago girl BUT called CONTEMPLAR BY ... HENRI FUGERE
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (223 items)

    The family farm photographed in 1967 which was the Centennary of Canada. The new coop was being built and I had to add a drawing of the design for an outside bent wall, which was unusual, so I quickly drew for the photographers, and they added that. The large green in front of the house was one of two potatoe patches, usually one, which gave us potatoes until next spring. When we had 2 patches we sold them. I was just about 10 at the time.

    Now the farm is covered by trees and invisible from the much improved road, as the evergreen trees we kids planted in front are massive. There is a thick growth of trees surrounding the house which makes it very difficult to get to from the road. There is no way in from the driveway as the trees now come up and in the driveway, so can only try to walk from the main road. The barn is invisble from the front porch as the yard is overgrown with trees now. There is a scond larger barn which would have been just over the trees where the barn was. We also raised about 5-8 geese every year also, sometimes we had ducks too. Just at the turn of the drive there is a white blob which was a caboose, a waiting room for a bus, which had a little stove and chimney, and room for maybe 3 kids.

    The 52.50 cost of the photo painting was a fair bit of money at the time, but well worth it as it is still as fresh as when it was new.

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    1. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Love this snap shot of rural Canada.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thank you Caperkid, so long ago.
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Love, love, love, love it. So Canadian, and so much a part of History when Farms were photographed and then sold to the owner of the land. I have a couple too. One is an older one that is hand colored, and the other one was from 1977 when they then used color Film.

      Is this D. L. -- Phil ?
    4. Windwalker, 9 years ago
      Very Cool........................
    5. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thanks antiquerose, not sure what you mean D.L. ??
    6. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      What a nice childhood memory to have! The old car is precious too :-)
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thank you Windwalker for the comment.
    8. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 9 years ago
      This is very cool to see. I love the receipt too, an added bonus. Great to 'see' you!
    9. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thank you kyratango for the comment !
    10. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thank you shareurpassion for your love and comment !
    11. Radegunder Radegunder, 9 years ago
      I can see how full of life the farm was, great!!
    12. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thanks Radegunder for the love and comment !~
    13. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Love the old truck:) what year is it?
    14. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thank you Trey, actually the truck was not ours, but a neighbours. Our truck and some other implements are missing from the yard when this picture was taken. Behind the model T car are some of our implements.
    15. Jean123, 9 years ago
      I just love the photo of your family farm -- it looks like a naive painting. What an amazing photo. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    16. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Thank you Jean for the very nice comment !~
    17. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      Is it abandoned now? What a great place to grow up.
    18. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Yes, Celiene, it is now abandoned. My father had the free option to keep the yard when he sold the land, but he never took it. It would have been nice to have that to go back to all these years.
    19. buckethead, 8 years ago
      Nice Post.
    20. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      Thank you buckethead, much appreciated.
    21. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      Now getting to the house as of this year is nearly impossible for a lot of people. The trees are knarly and growing like a very thick bush around the house.
    22. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      The old 1927 model T was ours but the red one in photo painting was a neighbours
    23. swampdogg swampdogg, 8 years ago
      Now that's Country YeeHaw time to put up Hay, plant Tator's & Mator's , Nice photo PhilDMorris.
    24. EdisonsDaughter EdisonsDaughter, 7 years ago
      The aerial photo of my grandma's farm was always the main photo in her living room. I spent many holidays and long, summer days on her farm. I still own several of her items of furniture that I treasure. I loved all of your descriptive bits, they transported me right to your farm. Whenever I see these aerial photos of farms, I am sucked right into them, reminded of how they might be like my grandma's farm.
    25. truthordare truthordare, 7 years ago
      Wow, that brings back memories, as in 1967 we were living in this tiny new development located on an old farm field. A few new houses and an unpaved street with no fences, no trees, just flat land and lots of space. We made a pond for skating during the winter, and my sister an brother and I all went and found saplings we could dig up, put in the wheebarrow and plant on the West side of the house. Amazing that they actually survived and thrived.

      Today we can see a satellite view of the place and it is densely built up, paved, with lots of added grown trees etc. 50 years can bring lots of changes. Thanks for posting Phil.
    26. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Thank you EdisonsDaughter for your beautiful reply, it would have been nice to see that aerial photo of you grandmother's farm. I have always been drawn to others when they have those photos which are so much more than photos, its a life too !~
    27. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 5 years ago
      These are wonderful photos ... and you have written an excellent accompanying history of your home. Details you have included so bring the photos to life. Where is this farm, may I please ask? I see the photography receipt is from Edmonton. I never lived on a Canadian prairie farm, but the homestead in Saskatchewan of my grandparents was known to us. I still sometimes wish to live on that farm; could that be genetic — what would Carl Jung call such longing for something never known oneself, but known by one’s ancestors. Wonderful photos; wonderful memories for you.
    28. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Hi Daisy,
      Our farm was about 80 miles east of Regina, Sk. in a city/town called Melville. My sister is always down that way when she comes from Ontario and always stopped at the farm and to the neighbours, I wish my father took the option to keep the farmyard in our posession but he had no foresight whatsoever. It would have been wonderful to still have it in the family. I myself was back and forth from Toronto and moved to NYC in 1984. We had a good size farm and raised up to 200 cattle at one time. You never really stop thinking about your farm when you come from one. I think my younger sisters could not wait to leave which happens in the family. Thanks for going back and reminding me. Love to you, Phil
    29. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 5 years ago
      Wonderful memories for you. I do know the edges of your childhood world. We lived for a single year in a big rambling teacherage in Goodeve, when my father was principal of the schools in Ituna ... and there was nowhere to live in Ituna. Wonderful farm. Beautiful land. <3
    30. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Thanks very much Eileen, you are too kind !~
    31. Hoot60, 5 years ago
      Great pictures! I loved growing up on a farm. We worked hard and we played hard. A very gratifying lifestyle in my early years. Thanks for posting.
    32. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Thank you Hoot60 for the nice comment and love !~
    33. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      looks like a great place to grow up in ... like the pic ... ..later
    34. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      Thank you Theonlyone for the nice compliment !~

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