Posted 9 years ago
(813 items)
All it says anywhere, period, is U. S. Tubular.
I found others made by several companies, but the lamps were not identical. They all had the round 'plate' above the glass, whereas mine is oval.
Condition is not superb, but as it's circa the 1880s it's pretty good and will go back into use.
Who made this particular one, and can a particular decade be pinned down?
This is a good quality lamp, not designed for parts to corrode to pieces in a few yrs..
The welds at the top broke, so the top disk to let the air out is held on by little pieces of wire.
I didn't say it's unbreakable ! LOL !!
It does not hold oil well, as I found out. An old hole they soldered closed-- well, the solder didn't do too well.