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Things to Collect: Pictures of Dummies (Vent Figures) Collection Jim Linderman

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (203 items)

    Why? Folks find them as creepy as clowns, but they are inanimate. They won't talk back unless you tell them to. Whether it be one of thousands of Charlie McCarthy dolls, or a full-size grown up hunk of wood, a photograph of a vent figure is always interesting. Don't you agree?

    Original photographs of ventriloquist figures circa 1930-1950

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    1. Dennis Meeks, 14 years ago
      When I was 7 yrs old I began to learn ventriloquism with a small Jerry Mahoney doll with a pull string to move its mouth. A few years later my folks agreed that I should graduate to a larger figure, but still a Jerry Mahoney doll. I am now 62 yrs old and still a Ventriloquist, but I'm looking for the figure that I really wanted way back then. A Frank Marshal figure, or one by Theodore Mack. I have two by one of todays prominent figure makers, Alan Semok, but finding the Marshal figure has been elusive. If anyone knows of one available, I would be interested. Thanks, and to stay with the topic above, I am Bubbles The Clown. I'm not a creepy clown, I am a Shrine Clown.
    2. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 9 years ago
      Hello to "Bubbles"--I'll bet you made a lot of folks happy!! You really must be great to have become a clown for the Shriner's Circus and they have done some much for needy people. Some years back I recall my neighbor needed glasses and the Shriners made sure she received them. Do they still give glasses to the needy?

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