Posted 9 years ago
(385 items)
Found this on EBay and knew right away that this was a old can because of cone top but had no idea it was 140 years old!! The whole script and picture is embossed too!! I asked the seller where this was found and her reply was that she has a friend who does remodeling jobs on old farms out in California and he from time to time brings her interesting things from his clean outs for her to put on EBay:) I asked her to please get specifics of where and how he found it so I could tell everyone who asks where it came from. This is the coolest can I have ever seen!!
Incredible that this is kicking around on the lft. coast when Standard Oil was just founded on the right coast in 1870. Surely theses weren't made by Standard in the 1st couple of yrs.! This is probably one of the 1st ! That has to be a serious collector's item. I'll give you a dollar, 2 , 98 for it & pay half the shipping.
Great offer from BB2 there Trey..... probably took about a nanosecond of thought to give him an answer.
It sure is a special tin.
That is a really great can!! Nice find!
Fantastic find!!!! I'd give u the same as Blunderbus2 and even pay the shipping.
This is an item that problem ought to go to a big auction house as it is so rare and desireabble that it could support your entire hobby for years! Great hunting!!!! Find of a lifetime!!!
ahh!You found my can,I forgot where I left it!!!!!!please ship asap!lol
Thanks for the love pops52.
Thanks for the love and nice comment Nicefice:) I was shocked when I found the date on it!!
Thanks for the love fortapache.
Thanks for the love olebodie.
Thanks for the love Lisa.
Thanks for the love mikelv85.
Yes bb2 I beleive this is a one of a kind can:) and it ain't going nowhere LOL!!
Thanks for the love and nice comment racer4four:) it took less than that LOL!!!
Thanks for the love DaveSierra.
Thanks for the love and nice comment jscott0363:)
Thanks for the love iggy.
Thanks for the love Brunswick.
Thanks for the love vetraio50.
Thanks for the love Rattletrap and nice comment:) I know it's a special can but I don't know if it's a museum piece :) one can dream!!
Thanks for the love NevadaBlades.
Thanks for the love vintagelamp.
Thanks for the love and nice comment gargoylecollector :)
Thanks for the love ho2cultcha.
Incredible find for a person who loves this stuff. Congrats.
That was for lamp oil. Not motor oil. Very cool. I wonder if they were partnered with Aladdin Lamps?
I would to find one of those. Love it.
Thanks for the love bobby725.
Thanks for the love vreugdenhil.
Thanks for the love Rick55.
Thanks for the love Caperkid, and the nice comment:)
Thanks for the love Celiene and the nice comment:) That's probably a safe assumption because all the oil at that point was used for lighting,no autos yet:)
Thanks for the love olebodie.
Thanks for hitting the love button again vintagelamp:)
Thanks for the love packrat place.
Thanks for the love and nice comment ravage60:)
Very cool find Trey..........
Thanks for the love Sean.
Thanks for the love Recordmantime and the nice comment:)
Thanks for the love officiafuel.
Thanks for the love charmsomeone.
That is awesome.
Thanks for the love Sean.
Thanks for the love and nice comment too ravage60:) when I saw the date I was floored!!
Thanks for the love ttomtucker.
Thanks for the love Manikin.
Thanks Newfld for the love.
Great find, not many of those around!!
Thanks TreasureTex for the love.
Thanks MALKEY for the love.