Posted 9 years ago
(134 items)
Having seen tons of good glass through years, I have a converting mechanism in my brain, able to turn bad photos into realistic images of objects and reduce doctored photos to reality. However, it is still not competely reliable and from time to time I am surprised after opening a package. This time the surprise was a very positive one:
huge presence 7+ x 6+, beautiful bluish hues and absolutely impeccable condition of a rare form were everything I would expect from the so-called Diaspora New, now known to be Orbulin, one of the decors created around 1925, during the popular early decors revival period.
(Posted for Andy Jelcic)
ahhhh I remain with my mouth open
I like the original diasporas in all colors, but this variant of that basic decor is outstanding in my opinion.
One of the nicer realized late decors IMO. And just different enough from the early examples to keep it interesting.
congrats David!!
beautiful vase & decor gorgeous dlfd911 thanks for sharing