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pre 1960 soffe original bowie knife

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (63 items)

    did some digging to get a lil info on this 1.
    soffe, turns out, manufactures clothing for the military... well, actually , clothing that is sold at military pxs and the like. the younger soffe took over the company in 1960 proceeding his father. his father sold knives from Solingen as the middleman before that. so any soffe knife you see is pre 1960. the son only manufactured clothing after that.

    these are real solid well built knives with a military connection.. that is shown in these pics.. seems soldiers didn't much care for a sheath that restricted withdrawing the knife. the sheriff knife in the last pic has private allen w Hendrix scratched on its surface. these types of knives mustve been pretty desirable back in the day. whats not to like ? the solid steel cross guards are forces to be reckoned with especially in close knife fighting combat...

    got the bowie for 18.45 shipped.. itll never be resold that cheap for sure, if ever at all... these are 2 of my favorite knives . its a pleasure to reunite them after all these yrs.

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    1. whyatt whyatt, 8 years ago
      thanks blunderbuss 2 for the love. always appreciated.
    2. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      This style is awesome
    3. NevadaBlades, 8 years ago
      Whoooaaa..........!!! [;>)
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      whyatt, do you know why these knives are marked with Original Bowie Knife? I see it on a lot of knives, and not all can be the Original! :^D
      Two very nice knives, in super condition, and a good price, shipped too, for the one!
    5. whyatt whyatt, 8 years ago
      the original bowie logos were just to describe the blades shape. the sheriff knife, same thing.. not much difference in the 2 . both are over 10 in. long. some other bowies are longer than these also called original bowie knives, look the same, only different lengths.

      ive not seen a longer sheriff knife.. all ive viewed and own are the same 10+ in. but several cutlers have manufactured them.... PIC and voos s. come to mind... I have 1 of each.

      thanks for the love billretirecoll, and the interest.
    6. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the info whyatt, and all the great pics of your treasures! :^)
    7. whyatt whyatt, 8 years ago
      id like to add. I believe the soffe manufacturing co/ clothing, did go out of business in around 2007, but their products still show up from time to time.
    8. Djjwalk, 2 years ago
      I gave one of the very same could you let me know what a Soffe sheriff knife is worth

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