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vintage imperial boy scout knife

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (63 items)

    got this 1 pretty cheap a few days a go. I cant recall its age time frame... 40s to 50s, I believe. correct me if im wrong.

    these things are solid scout knives for sure.. had the fit and finish been of higher quality, these would bring a little more loot. you can see, even the badge isn't placed straight / ctred on its scale. I do like them and the histories that comes with them.

    im kinda glad they are selling cheap right now. perhaps in my sons life time, they will become a little more desirable to collectors and flea marketers alike.

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    1. NevadaBlades, 8 years ago
      Hey Andy, really nice looking knife ya got there!

      I can see that the tang says IMPERIAL, but I can't make out anything below that, even when I enlarge your pictures.

      Here's what I know about IMPERIAL tang marks: If the mark below IMPERIAL has PROV. USA, then the knife was produced between 1946 and 1956. If it has PROV. R.I. with USA written vertically, then the knife was made between 1956 and 1988.

      In 1988, Schrade discontinued the IMPERIAL brand and began stamping all of their blades exclusively with SCHRADE, until 2004 when the company folded and went out of business. TAYLOR BRANDS, LLC, a large U.S. knife maker based in Tennessee, then bought the property rights to use both names, IMPERIAL and SCHRADE, on their knives, so today we have IMPERIAL-SCHRADE knives, which are, with the exception of a very few high end specialty knives, made in China. But heck, Andy, you know all this already! [;>)
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      I like these old scout knives too, but gave mine, from the 60's, away to a young Scout, in the neighborhood, about 20yrs. ago. Better to have it used, then sit in a drawer! :^) Thanks for showin whyatt!
      hey NevadaBlades, I can just see the P, below Imperial in the last pic. but nothing else. full enlarge on a 60" HD works every time! :^) almost! LOL

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