Posted 8 years ago
(956 items)
She's finally ready to put on her "perch" until i reach ninety and teach myself how to fly her under low bridges and thru barns with open doors! We got this little beauty from a guy in Afton Wyo who was doing a magnificent job of restoring her until he ran out of time and cash and sold her to us for the free museum at aaaLakeside Storage. I snapped her up as an awesome future project for my nineth birthday when I'll put a new engine in her and learn to fly. Landing u ask? Nahhhh! I'm more in to flying than landing. In the meantime she will look great when we get her on a "perch" in the museum.
What design is this ? So many home-builts look alike. Also wondering about the eng. since it it water cooled.
Somehow I knew in advance that u would be asking these questions. Surprise! I tricked u! Actually the plane has a Lycoming engine but I designed the front more like the old original WWI planes that had water cooled engines and did it just for looks as it doesn't really have the radiator. I just did it for display & very few will be as astute as u, but I knew you'd ask. Thx for paying attention.
I already had my doubts about the radiator for some reason. Are those bullet deflectors on the prop. ? Does that Lycoming fall under the new note coming out requiring replacing cylinders ?
Thx for the love it
I'm not going to mention the interior wall paneling for the instrument panel.
What? U don't like the wood dash? I like it.
I like to rattle you. I compliment the fact that a ripping blade wasn't used. LOL !! I was also an Aircraft Inspector for some yrs. & I just naturally start inspecting when I see a plane. This looks fairly well made. Just remember: I promised my Mother that I would never fly in anything I worked on. A wise woman, that !
I won't be renovating this one for 14 yrs, but when I do I'll be flying it myself. I'll be self taught as well.
In 14 yrs., it's called a rebuild. Nothing worse for them than not being used.
You're probably right but it doesn't have an engine so the rest will probably survive ok. I'll be so old I won't care anyway
Need an engine. Happen to have a couple of 0-360's lying around you can have. Toyed with the idea of an air-boat, but that's as far as I got.
Actually we have an engine but it's burned up and not functional. Would love to have a good engine but it's a long swim to where u live and I don't like sharks!
Even longer swim back with an engine.
Exactly! Remember I'm old and not 100% anymore anyway.