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Cat fish in glass dome clock

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi, this is my cat fish glass dome Clock with porcelain bottom you wind the bottom of the clock not sure how often or how to tell time or set correctly. Also would like to know if this is a reproduction or original that screws attaching the bottom flat head screws below the Clock tile is porcelain or possibly enamel I believe the center clock dial is brass and some other kind of material not sure what the fish are made out of any information on this interesting clock would be gladly appreciated thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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    1. cindyjune cindyjune, 8 years ago
      Cats and clocks in the same place? I love it! How curious and wonderful! Hope we hear more about this piece.!
    2. bijoucaillouvintage bijoucaillouvintage, 8 years ago
      Straight to my "Love at first sight" collection :-)
    3. Celiene Celiene, 4 years ago
      Is it a music box, and not a clock? Can you show the clock works in the bottom portion? Take it to a clock repair shop. They will be able to tell you.
    4. Celiene Celiene, 4 years ago
      Wow. Here's another one. Maybe they can tell you!
    5. Celiene Celiene, 4 years ago
      Well, here's you answer - you can get them on Alibaba...

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