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Cast iron standing ashtray

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Awesome Ashtrays4 of 11cast iron ashtray standRehberger B-314 Clipper Cast Metal Ashtray Circa 1938
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (261 items)

    I got this ashtray from a flee market awhile back. . I paid more than i wanted but it had the nicest green glass ashtray inside (which i found was not original, but happy it was fenton). .and at the time i liked standing ashtrays. So i went back and got it from the guy.. i think he got it from Detroit Mi. Maybe an old house. . Or maybe it was his family's i don't know. But it stand maybe 3 feet tall has a nice handle to carry it around. It looks brass but a magnet sticks to it so figured it cast.. it's very heavy. Its nautical themed. Has a ship on the top handle and around the base at the bottom. I have no idea on age here. My guess would be 70s? Would love to hear any thoughts!

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      More like around 1920. Have seen more than a couple over the years come onto the market and some in person at auctions. The ship and greyhound were popular ones but seen parrots and other decorative tops. Usually cast iron. I have seen them here in Canada also.
    2. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      Do you know what kind if ashtray originally sat in it. . I have a few that fit ok.. but none that are a match. Was it metal or glass? Do you know? Thanks for your input!
    3. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      I've seen the gray hound and allot of the dragon ones. . But haven't seen maybe others like this one. .that's why i thought it maybe newer. Looks possibly the guy painted it brass? That's not original is it? Did they actually come black? Thanks again! Also I'll post my ashtrays i use with it later when it's light.
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      Why black? Cannot remember now what kind of ashtray as I have not dealt with these for near 20 years now. Not sure if repros were ever made, and I doubt there was as these never rose in price enough for repros to be profitable. The base looks real. Cannot tell much from a picture - would have to have one in my hands to check it out.
    5. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      Either way is in great shape! I like it. . Just need a better fitting ashtray for it. Thanks!
    6. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      I looked on the underside. It was the same color. So maybe it was made this color originally.

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