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Rehberger B-314 Clipper Cast Metal Ashtray Circa 1938

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Awesome Ashtrays5 of 11Cast iron standing ashtray1950's Las Vegas Boomerang Ashtray on a Chrome Stand
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (83 items)

    RARE Bird!! This is a cast metal AC Rehberger Boeing B314 Clipper
    Ashtray Model manufactured in 1938 in Chicago.

    Maybe 10-20 are still in existence so practically extinct!

    Dimensions 9" wingspan x 6" fuselage length x ashtray OD 5"
    Airplane has its original intact propellers and the Pan Am logo embossed on both sides of the nose.

    Purchased in an auction 2 years ago, it arrived damaged when the shipper ignored my recommendations to remove the model because of it weight. When it arrived, the model was broken off the stand and the support "pad" sheared off the support arm. The repairs were not attempted until a method could be developed. In the end it was a combination of brass tubes embedded (with similar support with heavy music wire) into the "head" of the support and then a heavier duty brass plate was soldered onto the frame. Further casting material was liquefied, poured into the area, allowed to cure 24 hrs and then tediously re-shaped to match the contour. It will be a more stout attachment than AC Rehberger's design.

    The assembly will continue with its restoration at some point to replace it nickel finish.

    Regards, Tom (SANDMAN OVERHAUL)

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    1. courtenayantiques courtenayantiques, 8 years ago
      Fabulous piece! Such a shame the seller wouldn't ship as you recommended, but looks like you are bringing this back to its former glory!
    2. ohmyflyguy, 8 years ago
      Thanks. A Labor of Love to get this one right.
    3. bijoucaillouvintage bijoucaillouvintage, 8 years ago
      That's rather wonderful!
    4. ohmyflyguy, 8 years ago
      Thanks. So are you for your nice comment. Tom
    5. Kirchecm, 8 years ago
      I love it! Always looking for things like this!
    6. cateburz, 8 years ago
      Really awesome pieces. I work for History Channel and we're looking for collectors to feature on our new show Collector's Cafe. I'm not sure where you are located but I would love to learn more about your collection and tell you more about the show. Feel free to email me! Thanks!

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