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Chinese rice bowls

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (18 items)

    These chinese rice bowls (have read they were also used for tea) would have been acquired between 1930 and 1950, new or used. Set of 5, dragon image on one side, a bird on the other. 4 1/2" at rim, 2 3/8" base. Anyone recognize the chinese markings on the base?

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      What I do recognize is the dragon. I have a vase I believe to be from the same era with that exact dragon.
    2. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 8 years ago
      This is a common theme, Ho-o Bird and Dragon, sort of marriage with passion, ying and yang, as I understand it. I would guess these are pre-war, but I'm no expert. You could ask on the Chinese collector page on FB, they have readers there:

      Or you can try to find the reign mark on Gotheborg:
    3. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Thank you both so much!
    4. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Now I have a headache from looking at chinese reign marks. Plus it just occurred to me there's know way to know which way to read the mark, what's the top, what's the bottom.
    5. Zilla Zilla, 8 years ago
      In the 3rd photo the mark is upside down. The last character (bottom left when viewed up the right way) is then zao or made. I think there's an email link on the gotheborg home page. Maybe you can email them?
    6. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Thanks Zilla, I'll look for an email link.
    7. kulektor, 8 years ago
      From the red CHINA mark I think it dates to the 1930's period. Gotheborg has those marks in that time range. Good luck.
    8. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Thank you for the info.
    9. morganjen, 7 years ago
      I have this set of a rice bowl, spoon, and 4 cups and small saucers. My mother got this when she went to Chinatown I think in the 1940's (could have been earlier). It's a gorgeous set that I treasure.
    10. apostata apostata, 8 months ago

      4character abbreviated , no common denominator, concerning reign

      priority concerning indicators zie KULEKTOR
      2 priority closed band framed + bourgondy color
      3 is the pinyin which already ruled out common denominator ( likely an artist)
      4 4the add on luster rim Gianjang cai effect ( fin de siecle see f,e chinese hat stands)

      we got an probleme they mutilated the mark . but it is the pinyin for CHEN YONG TAI
      i got almost no sampling , fortunately our brainiac ( i saw later Sarah le HELLEY , who is one powerhouses got the same conclusion , only she extrapolated ( logical because it is nickle and dime, sowe do it the chinese ( don,t tell your children or MP)

      IT is made very close to 1915 ( so an extrapolatie is a bit sloppy

      probably it explains the GIAN JIANG CAI

      actually i am better in NAVAJO , but you can,t win them all
    11. apostata apostata, 8 months ago
      correction so we did it it the chinese WAY,

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