Posted 8 years ago
(559 items)
This shape is a bit unusual for Japanese glass as it is not very similar to any traditional pottery shapes. Generally, except for glass made specifically for the West, the glass makers of Japan used traditional shapes as the starting point for their designs.
This vase shows a shape I have seen in a number of forms from Fukuoka, but not from any other glass house. The swell from the waist is unusual.
This has been made from red glass, liberally spattered with orange, blue, black and white. It has been generously clear cased which has been moulded and twisted into ribs. The rim has been worked into a daisy form.
Height: 21cm
Karen, i really like the twist touch on the body of this one, and the colours is beautiful, oh la la another great addition on your already magnificent collection.
Yes,I think I'd love to have it.Definitely!
Wow karen -- is your shelves runneth over yet? When the sun shines in on this array of colorful glass -- you home must be Eye opening !!
It's beautiful (that blue!), and always with interesting explanations to go along, thank you!
Tremendous depth of quality !!!!!!!! to this piece plus the twisted form of vase fab
thank you for sharing Karen
Merci Alan! The colours are good I agree.
D?kuji Ivonne. Japanese spatter is quite different to Czech spatter, and I am glad you like it.
This was almost pulsing in this morning's light Rose, then I had to close the blinds to keep the heat out. When do I say "too much glass" lol!
Many thanks BC. I think the blue makes this decor.
Thanks Ken - I appreciate every bit I own, and feel very lucky.
This is thick and heavy like much Japanese glass GlassGirl. It's a very different approach to the Czech spatter. The Japanese like substantial glass because of it's usual placement in the home as a singular statement piece.
Malkey I appreciate such comments from someone with a class collection like yours. Thanks!
i think you right , i run this on Maruti and Marti glass as well , but there are some Fukuoka this way, nice vase